Introduction / User permission configuration / Introduction / Assigning user permissions

Assigning user permissions

In FirstSpirit, the user permission assignment and check take place via two components:

  • Editor (permission component)
  • Service (PermissionService)

These both components are part of the system module which is already included when installing a FirstSpirit Server and need not to be installed separately.

Permission component (CMS_INPUT_PERMISSION)

The permission component is a combination of GUI and render component. Use this component to extend the FirstSpirit-Client with user-specific input options, in this case permission definition. The permission component is usually used as an input component in the metadata tab. The component is (project-specifically in a metadata form) parameterised with a unique group document and cooperates with the appropriate service which loads and provides the group definitions from the server (see Permission-Service).

See the PERMISSION (→FirstSpirit Online Documentation) for application of the permission component.

Permission service

The permission service is a server component which can be addressed via the permission component. It is a special FirstSpirit Server service responsible for managing group and user configurations. As a system service the permission service can be activated via FirstSpirit ServerMonitoring (for configuration of the file fs-server.conf via FirstSpirit ServerMonitoring see Activating the permission service).

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