Introduction / FirstSpirit SiteArchitect / Vertical tool bar / Global search / Syntax and operators

Search syntax and operators

Search syntax

  • It is performed a full-text search, this means that all stores of the project are searched through for a specific text. This refers not only to text input (e.g. in the Page Store), but also to name of integrated media, relating comments, the content of media objects (e.g. PDF files) of the Media Store etc.
  • The search is not case-sensitive.
  • Special characters are ignored when searching (exceptions see below). For some special characters can not be searched (e.g. : , !). Quotation marks may have to be used for a search for special characters (see below).
  • A search for * returns all elements of the project. They can be filtered subsequently (using Filters and Sources or Facets).
    As an alternative, you can search / filter without specifying a search term.

Important If you enter only “*” as search term, in fact ALL elements of the project will be browsed. Depending on the project's size this needs much processor time.
The search result will be restricted only afterwards.

  • Use of quotation marks ""
    • Search for a exact term
      Search for: “input” → finds: input
      Search for: input → finds: input component, inputs, input schema etc.
    • Search for more than one word in a specified order
      Search for the text “Solar energy is the energy of the future”
    • By using quotation marks, the search result can be modified in case of special characters.
      Search for: "uselanguages=yes" → finds: templates in which uselanguages="yes" is configured
      Search for: "useLanguages=\"yes\"" → finds: templates in which uselanguages="yes" is configured, search hits are highlighted
    • Using quotation marks supports highlighting of search hits in some cases.
  • Use of _:
    • _ will be taken into account for the search, it is no word delimiter
    • Example:
      Search for: cms_value → finds: $CMS_VALUE (usually only in templates), but no occurrences of cms or value
      Search for: cms value → finds: all occurrences of cms and value

Use the facet “Path” (Facets) for searches only in templates. The system filter “Search in template” (Filters and Sources) can be used for filtering search results subsequently additionally by tab of the template (e.g. Form, Snippet, Rules, HTML).

Search operators


Search result
Find FirstSpirit elements in a particular store.


All elements of the Media Store.

Find FirstSpirit elements by reference name (UID).

  • fs.uid = presshomepage

The element with the unique reference name “presshomepage”.

  • fs.uid = solar_concept_car

The element with the unique reference name “solar_concept_car”.

Find FirstSpirit media or references to FirstSpirit media by UID.

  • solar_concept_car MEDIASTORE_LEAF

All elements referencing the medium with the unique reference name “solar_concept_car”.


Find FirstSpirit media with a particular minimum width.

  • fs.width >= 468

All media with a minimum width of 468 pixels.

Find FirstSpirit media with a particular minimum height.

  • fs.height >= 60

All media with a minimum height of 60 pixels.


Identifier = value
Find elements storing a specific value in the input component specified by the given identifier
(in the example: the input component of the type CMS_INPUT_TOGGLE (FirstSpirit Online Documentation) with the identifier “st_picture_zoomable”).

  • st_picture_zoomable = true

All elements with the value “true” for the input component with the identifier “st_picture_zoomable”.

Find FirstSpirit elements for which metadata has been defined.

  • fs.meta = 1

All elements for which metadata has been defined (icon behind the element in the tree view).

Find FirstSpirit elements which contain particular metadata
(in the example: the input component of the type CMS_INPUT_TEXT (FirstSpirit Online Documentation) with the identifier “md_content”).

  • meta.md_content = *

All elements for which metadata has been defined, but which do not contain particular metadata content.

  • meta.md_content = '"'

All elements for which metadata has been defined, and in which the component with the identifier md_content is empty.

Find FirstSpirit media having a particular CRC check sum.


  •  fs.crc = 1180948165

All Media, for witch CRC check sum is “1180948165”.


You can use wildcards for the search with operators:

  • *    for any number of characters
  • ""   for phrases

Search conditions can be combined using OR or AND, for example:

  • solar_concept_car MEDIASTORE_LEAF or fs.uid = solar_concept_car
    → finds: all elements with the unique reference name solar_concept_car OR a reference to this medium.
  • fs.meta = 1 and
    → finds: all elements of the Media Store for which metadata has been defined.
  • fs.width <= 0 and fs.height <= 0
    → finds: all media for which (at least in one project language) a file has not yet been uploaded.

For more information please refer also to FirstSpirit Access API, interface QueryAgent (package

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