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Dependent release with recursive release

Example - Dependent release with recursive release

For calling AccessUtil.release(...) the following parameters were set:

releaseStartNode:  Folder 1
ensureAccessibility: false
boolean recursive:  true

The selected start node for the release is the “Folder 1” menu level.

Dependent release and recursive release: If the options DEPENDENT_RELEASE_NEW_ONLY or DEPENDENT_RELEASE_NEW_AND_CHANGED are combined with the recursive option, the dependent release has an effect on all objects below the start node. Thus, in the example, both the outgoing references of the “Folder 1” menu level (see Abhängige Freigabe) and the outgoing references from the subordinate child objects are examined:

  • Relating to the example, “Ref 1” underneath “Folder 1” is also examined, which has a reference in the page store. The page reference “Ref 1” is released due to recursive release; page “Page 1” is also released due to dependent release.
  • The “Folder 2” menu level, which has become a part of the release process via the recursive release option, has a reference to a media file in media store. The folder “Folder 2” and the subordinate page reference “Ref 2” are released due to recursive release. The referenced media file “Pict 2” is released due to dependent release.
  • The page “Page 1”, which was released dependently, also has outgoing references in media store. The media referenced, “Pict 1” and “Pict 3”, are likewise released dependently.

Additional dependent or recursive objects are no longer taken into account, as they are not covered by any of the release options.

All outgoing references for the dependent release are only completely taken into account in one direction. If all dependent objects are to be included in the release process, then the release has to be carried out in a certain order (see Order for the release).

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