Start page / Advanced topics / Server-side release / Default release

Default release

The release of the current object (for example, page or folder of the page store), including defined, object-dependent release options for the default case, is carried out using this option.

Direct release of an object is carried out directly using the following API method:

AccessUtil.release(IDProvider toRelease, boolean checkOnly)

Transition parameters:

toRelease: Element to be released

checkOnly: If the value true is passed, the default release is just tested. The objects to be released are not transferred to the release state. Instead, for example, the standard release is run in order to discover errors prior to the actual release of an object.

Return parameters:

ServerActionhandle<? extends ReleaseProgress,Boolean > 

The server-side release returns a ServerActionHandle, which contains all information on the release process and, for example, contains the status of the release or the log info.

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