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Tracking changes via revision-metadata

FirstSpirit provides an option for tracking changes via the FirstSpirit Access API. Access to the revision metadata is possible via certain API functions. Revision metadata contains information on the type (which changes took place?) and the scope (which elements were changed?) of a change to the project. The information which is made available via the revision metadata is highly granular. With changes to content, it can be determined, for example, which properties of an element were changed, for example whether the content was changed in a certain editing language, whether a child element was added or removed or whether certain attributes, such as permissions to the corresponding element, were changed.

Via the extended revision information, all changes that were made from the time of a certain revision to the time of a certain revision within a project can be determined.

Access to this information is possible via the FirstSpirit Access API, for example by BeanShell Script.

The following chapters present methods:

  • Get revision: Methods in order to obtain one or more revisions of a project which are to be examined based on changes.
  • Determining changes: Methods to determine the corresponding information on the changes. Independent of respective change type, different metadata information is available.

Additionally, examples of using track changes are described in the project.

  • Last published: The first example determines all the database changes which took place since the last released revision of a project.
  • Between revisions: The second example determines changes to the content that took place between a to-be-defined start revision and a to-be-defined end revision in the project.

All code excerpts in this chapter involve fragments, which are insufficient to put together the entire script!

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