Start page / Templates (basics) / Composition of templates / Database schemata / Create schema

Standard layer

The standard layer was used in earlier versions of FirstSpirit under the term "MultiProjectLayer". The mechanism for avoiding conflicts between identical table names in different FirstSpirit schemata is no longer present in the standard layer, however. The DBA layer was introduced as a replacement for the flexible assignment of FirstSpirit schemata to DB schemata.

Important If the standard layer is assigned to multiple FirstSpirit schemata, a conflict occurs in the FirstSpirit schemata if table names are identical since they are assigned the same table in the DB schema.

The "transaction_counter" system table is a special case in this context; a hidden version of it can be created for each FirstSpirit schema. FirstSpirit tries to resolve the conflict mentioned above by converting the tables into one table.

Important In any case, mixing two FirstSpirit schemata in one DB schema is not recommended. Standard layers should always be assigned to just one FirstSpirit schema.

The correct use of standard layers shows the next figure. A separate standard layer is created for each FirstSpirit schema and thus a separate DB schema where the associated tables are stored.

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