Introduction / Introduction / Overview applications for administration and monitoring

Applications for the configuration and monitoring of FirstSpirit

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FirstSpirit provides all users, depending on their tasks, with an application which has been precisely adapted to respective requirements. Therefore, FirstSpirit offers multiple applications for varying tasks and users.

The applications described here have been primarily designed to monitor and configure FirstSpirit.

FirstSpirit ServerManager

The FirstSpirit ServerManager is a Java application with a convenient, swing-based user interface which supports the FirstSpirit administrator for general, administrative FirstSpirit tasks. For example, the user interface can be used to create and configure new FirstSpirit projects. More extensive functions are possible in addition to the general tasks. The ServerManager can, e.g., be used to define users or integrate existing identity management systems, such as LDAP or Active Directory. Analogue to the SiteArchitect, the ServerManager is started and updated via the FirstSpirit Launcher.

FirstSpirit ServerMonitoring

The browser based FirstSpirit ServerMonitoring is a web application for monitoring the FirstSpirit Server. The application can be used to display current operating parameters such as memory usage, number of users and much more. Analogue to the ContentCreator, FirstSpirit ServerMonitoring is operated via a web browser.

FirstSpirit JMX Console

FirstSpirit JMX Console: Using Java Management Extensions (JMX) it is possible to monitor Java applications in a standardized manner. While the primary task of FirstSpirit ServerMonitoring is to manually monitor a FirstSpirit Server, the JMX Console is used for automatic monitoring and can be perfectly integrated into an existing, company-wide monitoring system, if required. In principle, the JMX Console can also be used interactively. Compared to ServerMonitoring, finer granular information is provided.

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