Introduction / Global settings / URL Settings / “SEO URLs” tab

“SEO URLs” tab


Here, it is possible to select either menu levels or page references for which the new SEO URLs are to be defined.

Application examples for URLs of menu levels

For menu levels, for example,

  • different names to the display names in the tree structure can be entered.
    For instance, 


    could become


    by entering “/welcome” on the “Startpage” node.

  • paths can be shortened.
    For instance,


    would become


    if “/press-releases” was defined on the “Press” node.
  • additional subdirectories can be introduced:



Application examples for URLs of page references

Important The examples are based on the generation mode “Advanced URLs” (see Advanced URLs (FirstSpirit Online Documentation)).

For page references, an index.* file with the file extension of the particular template set (*.html, *.pdf, *.xml, etc.) is created by default.

For page references,

  • a different (file) name can be entered,
  • the path to a file can be shortened or extended by removing or adding directories (with “/”).

Important Suitable file extensions must always be entered.

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