Functional scope of WebEdit
Supported input components
The following input components were implemented within the scope of the WebEdit implementation (see also respective chapter in the section Input components).
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When using the input components the functional scope may vary from the use in the JavaClient (see also Chapter Restrictions )! |
Input component | Function |
CMS_INPUT_CHECKBOX | Multiple selection from a displayed list |
CMS_INPUT_COMBOBOX | Simple selection from a dropdown list |
CMS_INPUT_CONTENTAREALIST | List of sections (see also Restrictions ) |
CMS_INPUT_DATE | Date (without data selection dialog) |
CMS_INPUT_DOM | formatted text with format templates and links (including database links, but no support for lists), restricted support for inline tables, see also Restrictions ) |
CMS_INPUT_DOMTABLE | Table with formatted text including format templates and links (WITHOUT cell merging and formatting, incl. DOM restrictions, see also Restrictions ) |
CMS_INPUT_FILE | File selection |
CMS_INPUT_LINK | Ability to create and edit links |
CMS_INPUT_LINKLIST | List of links |
CMS_INPUT_LIST | Selection from a set of pre-defined list entries |
CMS_INPUT_OBJECTCHOOSER | Data set selection (see also Restrictions ) |
CMS_INPUT_PAGEREF | Page reference selection |
CMS_INPUT_PERMISSION | Permissions definition for user permissions. Separate configuration is required for use of the permission filter within a WebEdit environment (for further information, see FirstSpirit Manual for Administrators). Restrictions to use of the component exist in WebEdit, for example, the use of validation scripts is not possible. |
CMS_INPUT_PICTURE | Media selection |
CMS_INPUT_RADIOBUTTON | Simple selection from a displayed list |
CMS_INPUT_SECTIONLIST | List of all existing sections of a page |
CMS_INPUT_TEXT | single line text |
CMS_INPUT_TEXTAREA | multiple line text without formatting (see also Restrictions ) |
CMS_INPUT_TOGGLE | Switch between two pre-defined values |
FS_DATASET | Data set selection (see also Restrictions ) |
FS_LIST | List of sections (see also Restrictions ) |
FS_REFERENCE | Reference selection (see also Restrictions ) |
Supported design elements
The following design elements in the form area were implemented within the scope of the WebEdit implementation (see also Chater Design elements):
Input component | Function |
CMS_COMMENT | Comment on individual parts within the form area of a page or section template. |
CMS_GROUP | Graphic grouping of input components as a group. In WebEdit, unlike JavaClient, the grouped elements can only be displayed as a tab in the top part of the form area (not on the side or at the bottom), independent of the definition of the parameter tabs. The parameters height and scrollable have no effect in WebEdit. |
CMS _LABEL | For specifying additional labelling on each page or on each section. The parameters size and bold have no effect in WebEdit. |
Liste of functions in WebEdit
- WebEdit button on the start page
- Login and project selection
- Simplified editing due to new controls (Quick Edit bar) at page and section level: The new Quick Edit controls group together frequently required functions at page and section level in the form of a fold-out menu. The following functions are available:
- Page: New menu, New page, New section, Edit page, Start or Forward workflow, Edit metadata, Delete page, Help
- Section: New section, Edit section, Move up, Move down, Edit metadata, Delete section, Help
- Easy-Edit: extensive description about the use of Easy-Edit see respective Chapter
- Themes for WebEdit: The "Look & Feel" of all central WebEdit components, such as controls, icons, fonts, etc, can be configured using Themes. The creation of new "WebEdit Themes" is no longer supported from FirstSpirit Version 4.0.
Note: The Theming function of WebEdit will be dropped with the release of WebEdit Version 5.0!
Support for the creation of new themes for WebEdit is therefore no longer planned. The FirstSpirit standard themes ("default", "xp") and the specific SAP theme ("sap") can however continue to be used in FirstSpirit Version 4.1. - Content Outlining: In conjunction with the Quick Edit bar at section level, it is now possible to interactively select the content area to which an operation relates if the Quick Edit menu is displayed. This requires a DIV container to be added in the template.
Note: This function will no more be supported in FirstSpirit Version 4.2 because it may be arise conflicts with using the Easy-Edit functions. - Introduction of a new WYSIWYG editor with:
- Undo/Redo
- Support for lists
Create new and extend nested lists is NOT possible
Editing nested lists is possible - "Drag & Drop" for selected text
- Full-screen edit mode
- Context-sensitive, multi-lingual Online Help
- Redesign of the input components CMS_INPUT_LINKLIST and CMS_INPUT_CONTENTAREALIST
- Internal scalability optimisations: Performance and main memory requirements
- Improved multi-user synchronisation
- WebEdit as project locale web application: With this feature WebEdit can now be combined for single projects for example with a project spezific personalisation configuration (see FirstSpirit Manual for Administrators, Chapter "WebEdit as local project application (from V4.1)“).
- Support for the permission definition component CMS_INPUT_PERMISSION with the following restrictions:
- No support for scripts
- (to date) only 1 can be used per page
- No conflict visualisation
- Support for the most important input components in the Page and Content Store:
- DOM editor: The DOM editor supports WYSIWYG for format templates and bold/italic and underline. Support for internal and external links and links on elements from the Content Storevia appropriate link editors. Any existing configuration is adopted from the form.
- DOM table editor: Convenient insertion of rows and columns. Each cell can be separately edited in the DOM editor.
- Generic link editors: In FirstSpirit Version 4.2 the configuration options for links are enhanced by the introduction of generic link editors. The use of the related input components is restricted in WebEdit (see Chapter Restrictions for CMS_INPUT_OBJECTCHOOSER and FS_DATASET).
- Enhancements for Input components and selection dialogues:
- Preview in picture input components
- Display of elements in the Media Store
- Fading effects when loading new contents (e.g. when generating a preview)
- Additional control elements can be displayed in layers and iFrames into the preview.
- Remote Media function: The multiple definition of remote projects is supported in WebEdit too – with restrictions.
- Page Store:
- Editing folders (i.e. create/delete/rename)
- Edit pages (i.e. create/delete pages and create/delete/sort sections)
- Media Store:
- Editing folders (i.e. create/delete/rename)
- Create/delete pictures/files
- Automatic assignment of reference names
- Media restrictions with Restrictions)
- Content Store:
- Overview table (incl. paging, but without sort)
- Create/delete data records
- Search: "Simple search" and "saved search" incl. parameters
- Site Store:
- Editing folders (i.e. create/delete/rename)
- Create/delete/rename pictures and files (language-independent only)
- Support for workflows: Certain standard workflows can be stored for the status values "New", "Changed" and "Delete" (in the Quick Edit bar), which are recommended to the editor or are executed with priority. In addition, from FirstSpirit Version 4.1, a project-specific workflow can be tied directly to the previous controls for deleting (menubar buttons, context menu entry) elements (see FirstSpirit Manual for Developers (Basic Principles), Chapter "Workflows"). The evaluation order for the Quick Edit bar starts with the stored standard workflows (highest priority) and ends with the standard "Delete" function (lowest priority).
- Optimisation of the transition in workflows: If only one activity can be switched, this activity is selected directly and the transition dialog appears.
- Automatic, unique assignment of reference names: The WebEdit functions "New" and "Create" automatically convert non-unique reference names (or reference names with special characters). References names which are the same are automatically assigned as unique names by appending a consecutive number (e.g. by appending "_1").
- Enhancement of the WWW rollout: More files are automatically updated when the server is started.
- Multi-lingualism: Besides the languages German, English, French, Spanish and Russian the FirstSpirit applications JavaClient and WebClient are also available in Italian and Dutch language. The language set of the menu labels, context menus and dialogues can be selected on the FirstSpirit start page.