Working with the DOM Editor input component
The DOM Editor is provided for large formatted text inputs. Formatting can be defined both for highlighted text fragments and for whole sections.
Text formatting
There are different ways for formatting text in the input component DOM Editor:
- One option is to select pre-defined formattings which are to apply to the whole section. The available formatting is defined by the project developer.
- The second option is to select pre-defined formattings formatting which is to apply to the selected text only. Formatierungen auszuwählen, die nur für einen zuvor markierten Text gelten sollen. The available formatting is defined in the format templates by the project developer.
- The third option is to highlight selected text in bold or italics in the editor by means of the available icons. Corresponding visible markers (tags) are inserted at the start and end of the bold selected text.
On formatted text there is an own context menu available:
- Using the function Remove format the formatting of the selected text will be removed. The text is retained.
Insert links
Using the corresponding icon a link will be inserted at the actual position of the cursor.
A window will be opened for selecting the link type. Three standard link types are distinguished:
- externalLink: for external links, i.e. links to elements outside the actual project, e.g. to an external website.
- internalLink: for internal links to elements within the project.
- contentLink: for links to an element in the Content-Store of the project.
After having selected the link type an input window will be displayed. Its content dependends on the link type. A detailed description of the different link templates can be looked up in the chapters about Configuring a link template.
The following functions are available on links via the context menu:
- Using the function Edit link settings made for the link can be changed.
- Using the function Remove link the selected link will be removed. The link text is retained.
Inserting lists
Using the corresponding icon lists can be inserted into the actual section.
There are different ways for the usage of lists:
- Generate a new empty list
- Convert selected text into list
- Exit or interrupt lists
- Delete or merge lists
- Copy or move lists
An individual context menu can be opened on lists:
- Using the function Change list type the type of list can be changed (e.g. dash, bullet, numbered etc.).
- Using the function Move item one level up the selected list item can be moved one level up.