
FirstSpirit Server under Unix

The client installation for ssh and rsync should take place via the package system of the operating system.

The rsync/ssh web server connection is subsequently configured:

  1. Login under the FirstSpirit Server user account (fs5) or use su - fs5 as root.
  2. Generate an ssh key pair: ssh-keygen -t rsa       
    Accept the default specifications and do not enter a password.
  3. Install the public key on the “web” user account of the web server. Login as “web” via ssh and create the directory .ssh in the home directory: mkdir .ssh
    As user “fs5” enter the following on the FirstSpirit Server:
    scp .ssh/
  4. Enter the following to check login via the key pair (without password):
    ssh ls -la /var/www
  5. The document directory of the web server should now be listed without having to enter a password.
  6. To test the rsync connection, enter:      
    rsync -n -vcrtz -e "ssh -l web"
  7. The document directory of the web server should be listed again without having to enter a password. Files have not been transferred due to the option “-n”.
    If a Windows system is used as a web server, replace /var/www by /cygdrive/c/www.

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