Introduction / Updating FirstSpirit / Status information via Health Center

Querying status information via the Health Center

Table of contents

Information regarding the update and license status of the FirstSpirit Server can be requested in the FirstSpirit Health Center via ServerMonitoring.

Update checker – checking for new updates

Update checker: This area shows version information relating to the FirstSpirit Servers identified on the network; this information can be used to check whether a more recent software version (“update”) is available (see Update checker). 

On the subpage Overview – Health Center – Updates, a check can be performed to see whether updates are available for all the FirstSpirit Servers identified on the network.

Alternatively, you can choose to receive an e-mail notification as soon as a new FirstSpirit version is available for an update (see Automatic update via the update service, option “Only notify, do not perform update”).

License checker – license information

License checker: This area shows license information relating to the FirstSpirit Servers identified on the network (see License checker). 

On the page Overview – Health Center – Licenses, the licenses for all the FirstSpirit Servers identified on the network can be checked and updated.

Status information on the FirstSpirit backend

Wrapper version

You can find the version of the Tanuki Service Wrapper currently being used on the server via FirstSpirit ServerMonitoring. The “Wrapper version” is displayed under “Basic information (system)”, which can be found in ServerMonitoring – Overview – State.

If the wrapper version used does not correspond to the version recommended by the FirstSpirit Server, this is indicated by the red font and the term outdated. This is also recorded in the fs-wrapper.log file. In this case, the Java Service Wrapper should be updated promptly.

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