Start page / Categories and selection / Categorie “EAP”

“EAP” category

Java versions in the “EAP” (Early Access Program) category are versions that are to be provided as a “stable” Java version in a future FirstSpirit version (see “Stable category). These Java versions form the “FirstSpirit Java Future”.

Which specific Java versions are stored in the module depends on the Java release planning of the third-party manufacturers and is therefore continuously adapted with subsequent FirstSpirit releases.

Before Crownpeak classifies a Java version as “stable” or assigns it to the “Stable” category, the Java version is usually provided in advance as an “EAP” version via the module.

By using “EAP” versions, customers and partners can try out new Java versions at an early stage, determine whether they function with their existing IT infrastructure and thus actively participate in the stabilization of a FirstSpirit Java version. “EAP” versions should be used on test systems to begin with and potential problems must be reported to Crownpeak as soon as possible.

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