Start page / Plug-In Development / Examples / Modules: Accessing Web Services via OData/SOAP / Usage


The OData and SOAP DataAccessPlugins can be used in conjunction with the input component FS_INDEX to access data provided by web services of the respective type.

Important Before using either of these plug-ins with FS_INDEX, at least one service must be configured (see Configuration (OData) and Configuration (SOAP), respectively).

  1. In SiteArchitect, edit a template's form definition.
  2. Add an FS_INDEX input component to the form definition.
  3. In the SOURCE tag of the input component, add an attribute name with the value sample_dataaccessplugin_odata/ODataDataAccessPlugin or sample_dataaccessplugin_soap/SOAPDataAccessPlugin, depending on the plug-in you wish to use.

    The specific name of the DataAccessPlugin depends on both the name of the module providing the plug-in as well as the name of the class implementing the DataAccessPlugin. If you have made changes to these data before compiling and installing the module, the name used here will be different.

    Alternatively, you may use code completion (Ctrl+Space) while the caret is within the quotation marks of the name attribute to access a list of available DataAccessPlugins.
  4. Also in the SOURCE tag, add an attribute serviceName whose value indicates the name of the specific web service you wish to use (this matches the Name field in the service's configuration user interface).

The data of the specified web service is now available to use in the FS_INDEX input component in any element which uses the so configured template.

Important Use of the data provided by the DataAccessPlugin (e.g. handling this data programmatically or output of this data during generation) depends upon the data structures made available by the specific web service used. Due to this limitation, specifics of further handling of individual data objects cannot be described in this documentation.

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