Introduction / FirstSpirit ServerMonitoring / Overview / Sessions

Overview – Sessions

This page includes a table listing all of the currently running sessions.

Session ID: unique ID of the session.

Type: type of session. A distinction is made between the following session types:

  • WEB: session is established through the start page
  • ContentCreator: session is established through ContentCreator (requires a license)
  • Main: session is established through SiteArchitect (requires a license)
  • Child: subordinate, internal session that is established, for instance, when editing a project in SiteArchitect or through ServerManager. Note: when editing a project in ServerManager, a CHILD session is opened for each project being edited and it is closed again after the Java application is closed.
  • Web monitor: session is established through ServerMonitoring (requires a license)
  • Dummy: internal sessions that are established when generation is executed, for instance. These sessions are only displayed when the box “Show all sessions” has been checked. These sessions are not included in the evaluation of licensed sessions (see Licence configuration).
  • Remote: session is established through a remote project. These sessions are not included in the evaluation of licensed sessions.
  • Staging: session is established when generating a preview of the generated project status (via the URL specified for the generation task). These sessions are not included in the evaluation of licensed sessions (requires a license)

Important In the case of a child type session, it is possible to send the session user a message. Clicking on the relevant session ID opens the page FirstSpirit – Message. In this case, however, the message is sent only to the user of the selected session and not to all users on the server.

User: user login name. Clicking on the user of a session brings up detailed information linked to this user on the page Users – Search.

Project: project in which the particular user is working. Clicking on the project of a session brings up detailed information linked to this project on the page Projects – Overview.

The End link provides the ability to terminate a session without warning users in advance. It is important to note that all unsaved entries made during the particular session will be lost.

Access: indicates the point in time at which the particular user last accessed the server.

Login time: indicates the point in time at which the particular user logged onto the server.

This and other information can also be requested via JMX monitoring (see SessionManager).

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