Introduction / FirstSpirit Server configuration / Configuration files (FirstSpirit Server) / Licence configuration (fs-license.conf)

Licence configuration (fs-license.conf)

Table of contents

File fs-license.conf is located in the FirstSpirit Server subdirectory conf and contains the FirstSpirit licence and should not be changed. 

The licence parameters of fs-license.conf can be displayed via FirstSpirit ServerMonitoring (see License). Furthermore, it is also possible to insert a new licence file via ServerMonitoring. When inserting a new configuration file fs-license.conf, it is not necessary to restart the server. The file is automatically updated on the server.

Important Manipulations to fs-license.conf result in an invalid licence. If changes are necessary (e.g. IP address change), please contact the manufacturer. An fs-license.conf does not have to contain all the information described in the example.

Some of these parameters are visualized in the FirstSpirit Health Center (“License Checker”, see License checker).

#FIRSTspirit license
#Mon Jan 02 10:34:22 CET 2018
-----begin FirstSpirit license key-----
-----end FirstSpirit license key-----


Maximum number of projects which can be created with this licence on the server. Deactivated projects are not included.


Expiration date of the licence. The FirstSpirit Server will terminate automatically on this date. If the corresponding parameters have been set in the configuration file fs-server.conf (see Area: Mail), a reminder is sent via email prior to the expiration date.


FirstSpirit software version for which this licence is valid.


Name of the licencee.


Licence-dependent additional functions released via this licence.


Value “1” activates the archiving function, thus enabling the archiving of FirstSpirit objects (see Project archiving for further documentation).


The license parameter license.WORKFLOW controls whether only the standard workflows supplied with FirstSpirit (“Assign task” and “Request release”) may be used on a particular FirstSpirit server (license.WORKFLOW=0) or whether users may also create and use their own workflows (license.WORKFLOW=1). The parameter license.WORKFLOW=0 does not permit any workflows to be edited or created and only the workflows supplied as standard may be used. (For more documentation, see Workflows (→FirstSpirit Online Documentation).)


This value is set to “1” by default. Thus, the “Document group” function is activated, enabling the page references in the Site-Store to be summarised as a group and, therefore, the generation of a result document, e.g. a pdf file (see Document groups (→FirstSpirit Online Documentation) for further documentation).


Maximum number of sessions which can be simultaneously opened on the server. Internal server sessions (preview, generation) and remote sessions are not included. If the maximum number of sessions is exceeded, it is possible to open a maximum of two further server administrator sessions (unless two server administrator sessions have already been opended) to terminate current sessions, if necessary.


Value “1” activates the “ContentCreator” function, thus enabling the direct editing of editorial contents within the preview page in the browser window.


Maximum number of users which can be created with this licence on the server.


Comma-separated list of the server IP addresses for which the licence is valid. If the FirstSpirit Server is started on a computer with a different IP address, the licence is invalid.


Licence parameter for modules, several modules can be separated by a comma.


Differentiation between single and corporate licence (license.SCOPE=SINGLE or license.SCOPE=CORPORATE). A license conflict (a license with license.SCOPE=SINGLE used by multiple servers) will cause termination of the FirstSpirit server. Only the first server started with this license will not be terminated. All others will terminate after appropriate log notification with a 30 minute delay. To prevent the server from shutting down, a valid license needs to be imported to the affected server (see page License). Importing a different, valid license on another FirstSpirit server on the network will not suffice. If a license conflict arises when switching between two versions of FirstSpirit, the affected license can be used on the server again only after restarting the server.


Definition of the licence type:

  • PRODUCTION: “Productive”
  • DEMO: “Demonstration”
  • STAGING: “Quality assurance”

The licence type is displayed among other things on the FirstSpirit start page and, with Available from FirstSpirit Version 5.2R4 at several places of FirstSpirit SiteArchitect and FirstSpirit ContentCreator with the name of the licencee (parameter license.USER).


Licence key


Maximum number of AppCenter applications (SiteArchitect and ContentCreator) which can access the application API. With license.APPTAB_SLOTS=5, for example, five different applications can be used or URLs can be opened. It does not matter which applications these are. Because unlike licensing of a FirstSpirit (module) add-on, it is not the function that is licensed here, but the number of integrated applications. (See also Dokumentation FirstSpirit AppCenter.)

Further licence keys

For further licence keys please see respective module documentation.

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