Using the contentSelect function
The contentSelect function can be used to output data records from the Content Store and can be used for further processing.
The function offers the opportunity to filter and/or sort data records.
The result (return value) of the function is a list which contains all data records matching the filter criteria.
Syntax of the contentSelect function
The basic structure of the contentSelect function is as follows:
<CMS_FUNCTION name="contentSelect" resultname="IDENTIFIER">
<CMS_PARAM name="schema" value="IDENTIFIER" />
<EQ attribute="ATTRIBUTE" parameter="IDENTIFIER" datatype="DATATYPE value="VALUE" />
<NEQ attribute="ATTRIBUTE" parameter="IDENTIFIER" datatype="DATATYPE value="VALUE" />
<GT attribute="ATTRIBUTE" parameter="IDENTIFIER" datatype="DATATYPE value="VALUE" />
<GTE attribute="ATTRIBUTE" parameter="IDENTIFIER" datatype="DATATYPE value="VALUE" />
<LT attribute="ATTRIBUTE" parameter="IDENTIFIER" datatype="DATATYPE value="VALUE" />
<LTE attribute="ATTRIBUTE" parameter="IDENTIFIER" datatype="DATATYPE value="VALUE" />
<IS_NULL attribute="ATTRIBUTE" parameter="IDENTIFIER" datatype="DATATYPE value="VALUE" />
<NOTNULL attribute="ATTRIBUTE" parameter="IDENTIFIER" datatype="DATATYPE value="VALUE" />
<LIKE attribute="ATTRIBUTE" parameter="IDENTIFIER" datatype="DATATYPE value="VALUE" />
<EQ attribute="ATTRIBUTE" parameter="IDENTIFIER" datatype="DATATYPE value="VALUE" />
<LIKE attribute="ATTRIBUTE" parameter="IDENTIFIER" datatype="DATATYPE value="VALUE" />
<EQ attribute="ATTRIBUTE" parameter="IDENTIFIER" datatype="DATATYPE value="VALUE" />
<LIKE attribute="ATTRIBUTE" parameter="IDENTIFIER" datatype="DATATYPE value="VALUE" />
DTD display
The DTD display of the syntax for the QUERY tag (query part):
<!-- "and" compare ("&&") -->
<!-- equals ("==") -->
parameter CDATA #IMPLIED
lazy (0|1) #REQUIRED>
<!-- greater than (">") -->
parameter CDATA #IMPLIED
<!-- greater than or equals (">=") -->
parameter CDATA #IMPLIED
<!-- is null ("== null") -->
attribute CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!-- "like" compare ("%") -->
parameter CDATA #IMPLIED
<!-- lesser than ("<") -->
parameter CDATA #IMPLIED
<!-- lesser than or equals ("<=") -->
parameter CDATA #IMPLIED
<!-- not equals ("!=") -->
parameter CDATA #IMPLIED
<!-- not null ("!= null") -->
attribute CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!-- "or" compare ("||") -->
<!-- sorting order criteria -->
descending (0|1) #IMPLIED>
<!-- root tag -->
Parameters of the contentSelect function
The contentSelect function can be divided into a definition and a query part.
The definition part consists of the following parameters:
The query part, identifiable by the QUERY tag also has special tags for formulating the query. The available tags are:
Definition part
Attribute | possible values | Mandatory parameters |
schema | yes | |
any parameter | no | |
The schema parameter is used to specify the database schema which is to be used for the query.
The value of the constant is the reference name of the database schema in the Content Store:
<CMS_FUNCTION name="contentSelect" resultname="name">
<CMS_PARAM name="schema" value="CONSTANT" />
any parameter
By defining a freely selectable identifier, any number of expressions can be made available to the query as parameters.
The following characters may be used for the identifier:
A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9 and _.
Definition using expressions:
<CMS_FUNCTION name="contentSelect" resultname="name">
Example of the definition of the parameters from and to:
<CMS_FUNCTION name="contentSelect" resultname="name">
<CMS_VALUE_PARAM name="from" value="st_startDate" />
<CMS_VALUE_PARAM name="to" value="" />
Note: st_startDate is a date input component (CMS_INPUT_DATE). is the starting point of the deployment.
Query part (QUERY)
The query part of a contentSelect function is started with a QUERY tag. The QUERY tag is simultaneously the root element of the query.
All tags which are given between the opening and closing QUERY tag are taken into account in the query.
The entityType parameter is used to give the symbolic table name in the database schema so that the query can be applied to the data records of the corresponding database table.
![]() |
Templates for a query can be created for a table of the database schema with the help of a query. To this end the query is defined in the Wizard mode. This mode is quit after the query has been completed. The query generated in this way can usually be used without any further changes for the contentSelect function. Should sorting be required, this must be added. |
QUERY tags
These tags can be used to generate different queries - taking into consideration filtering or the required sorting.
Name tag | Meaning |
Use of any parameter given in the definition part (see above) in the query - with definition of a fallback value. | |
Specification whether all the data of a data record is to be loaded immediately or on access. | |
Sorting of the data records of the query result. | |
Linking of several queries by means of AND or OR. | |
The given comparable value matches the value in the database column (check for equality). | |
The given comparable value does not match the value in the database column (check for inequality). | |
The value in the database column is greater than the given comparable value (Greater than check). | |
The value in the database column is greater than or equal to the given comparable value (Greater than or equal check). | |
The value in the database column is less than the given comparable value (Less than check). | |
The value in the database column is less than or equal to the given comparable value (Less than or equal check). | |
No value set for the database column (null check). | |
Value set for the database column (Not-null check). | |
The given comparable value is similar to the value in the database column (similarity check). | |
The FILTERPARAM tag enables "any parameters required" defined in the Definition part to be used in the query too.
As the value of the parameters defined in the definition part is frequently the value of a variable (e.g. from an input component, from the Site Store, or similar), the tag is the connection point or junction between the database and FirstSpirit.
The mandatory parameter parameter must be given as the value of the identifier of the parameter in the definition part.
<CMS_FUNCTION name="contentSelect" resultname="name">
<CMS_PARAM name="schema" value="databaseSchemaName" />
<CMS_VALUE_PARAM name="from" value="st_startDate" />
<QUERY entityType="tableName">
<FILTERPARAM parameter="from" ... />
The datatype parameter is used to specify the data type of the value. The type should be the same as the data type of the column in the schema so that errors do not occur when the query is executed.
Common data types are:
- java.util.Date for date columns
- java.lang.String for string columns
- java.lang.Boolean for Boolean columns
- java.lang.Double for double columns
- java.lang.Integer for integer columns
- java.lang.Long for long columns
In addition, there are special data types for date columns:
- de.espirit.common.Now for the starting date/time of the deployment
- de.espirit.common.Today for today.
<CMS_FUNCTION name="contentSelect" resultname="name">
<CMS_PARAM name="schema" value="databaseSchemaName" />
<CMS_VALUE_PARAM name="from" value="st_startDate" />
<QUERY entityType="tableName">
<FILTERPARAM parameter="from" datatype="java.util.Date" ... />
The value parameter is a default (preassigned) value. This parameter should always be defined. It is required if no parameter was defined with the identifier given in the parameter in the definition part.
<CMS_FUNCTION name="contentSelect" resultname="name">
<CMS_PARAM name="schema" value="databaseSchemaName" />
<CMS_VALUE_PARAM name="from" value="st_startDate" />
<QUERY entityType="tableName">
<FILTERPARAM parameter="from" datatype="java.util.Date" value="1143758280000" />
As a data record in the query result potentially contains large or lots of data - especially for foreign keys - it can be useful not to load the data of the foreign key (the so-called data record attribute) until access or until further processing.
The loading behaviour of such attributes is changed using the tag: FETCHMODE.
The tag has two parameters:
- attribute
- lazy
For attribute the name of the column in the schema for which the loading behaviour is to be changed is given.
The lazy parameter is used to specify how the data of the column is to be loaded. lazy=1 means that the data can be loaded as and when required (= default setting). lazy=0 means that the data is loaded immediately.
The ORDERCRITERIA tag is used to sort the result of a query. Each sort sort criteria must be specified in one tag.
The mandatory parameter attribute is used to specify the table column to be used as the basis of the sorting.
The parameter can contain the wildcard %lang% which is replaced with the abbreviation of the current language in a preview/generation (e.g. DE, EN etc.)
<ORDERCRITERIA attribute="date"... />
<ORDERCRITERIA attribute="text_%lang%"... />
Further, it is also possible to use the descending parameter to change the sort direction. If the parameter is not given the result set of the query is sorted in ascending (descending="0") order. If descending="1" is defined the result set is sorted in descending order.
<ORDERCRITERIA attribute="date" descending="0" />
<ORDERCRITERIA attribute="text_%lang%" />
AND / OR tag
The AND-/OR tag can be used to link further query tags, e.g. EQ, LIKE, IS_NULL with each other.
Tags which are given in an AND tag are linked by an AND logic relation or logic operation and in an OR tag are linked by an OR logic relation or logic operation.
The nesting of AND and OR tags is only possible alternately.
Example of non allowable nesting:
<EQ attribute="abbreviation" value="etc" />
Example of allowable nesting:
<EQ attribute="abbreviation" value="etc" />
In the following example all data for which Query1 and (Query2 or Query3) apply are output as the result set of the query:
<QUERY1... />
<QUERY2... />
<QUERY3... />
EQ tag (Equal)
The EQ tag is used to define queries which return all data records whose contents in the checked column match the comparable value (equality check)
An EQ tag can be defined with the help of a variable (FILTERPARAM tag) or directly.
Direct definition:
<CMS_FUNCTION name="contentSelect" resultname="name">
<CMS_PARAM name="schema" value="databaseSchemaName" />
<QUERY entityType="tableName">
<EQ attribute="columnName" datatype="java.lang.Integer" value="value" />
In the direct definition the parameters attribute, datatype and value are to be given.
For attribute the name of the column in the schema which is to be used for the comparison is given.
The datatype is used to specify the data type for the comparison (cf. also the FILTERPARAM tag).
The parameter value is used to specify a comparable value.
Using a variable:
<CMS_FUNCTION name="contentSelect" resultname="name">
<CMS_PARAM name="schema" value="databaseSchemaName" />
<CMS_VALUE_PARAM name="of" value="st_startDate" />
<QUERY entityType="tableName">
<FILTERPARAM parameter="of" datatype="java.util.Date" value="1143758280000" />
<EQ attribute="columnName" parameter="of" />
When using variables made available to the query with CMS_VALUE_PARAM and FILTERPARAM the parameters attribute and parameter are to be given.
For attribute the name of the column in the schema which is to be used for the comparison is given.
The parameter parameter is used to specify which variable defined with the FILTERPARAM tag is to be used as the comparable value.
NEQ tag (Not Equal)
The NEQ tag is used to define queries which return all data records whose contents in the checked column do not match the comparable value (inequality check).
An NEQ tag can be defined with the help of a variable (FILTERPARAM tag) or directly.
Direct definition:
<CMS_FUNCTION name="contentSelect" resultname="name">
<CMS_PARAM name="schema" value="databaseSchemaName" />
<QUERY entityType="tableName">
<NEQ attribute="columnName" datatype="java.lang.Integer" value="value" />
In the direct definition the parameters attribute, datatype and value are to be given.
For attribute the name of the column in the schema which is to be used for the comparison is given.
The datatype is used to specify the data type for the comparison (cf. also the FILTERPARAMtag).
The parameter value is used to specify a comparable value.
Using a variable:
<CMS_FUNCTION name="contentSelect" resultname="name">
<CMS_PARAM name="schema" value="databaseSchemaName" />
<CMS_VALUE_PARAM name="from" value="st_startDate" />
<QUERY entityType="tableName">
<FILTERPARAM parameter="from" datatype="java.util.Date" value="1143758280000" />
<NEQ attribute="columnName" parameter="from" />
When using variables made available to the query with CMS_VALUE_PARAM and FILTERPARAM the parameters attribute and parameter are to be given.
For attribute the name of the column in the schema which is to be used for the comparison is given.
The parameter parameter is used to specify which variable defined with the FILTERPARAM tag is to be used as the comparable value.
GT tag (greater than)
The GT tag is used to define queries which return all data records whose values in the checked column are greater than the given comparable value (Greater than check).
A GT tag can be defined with the help of a variable (FILTERPARAM tag) or directly.
Direct definition:
<CMS_FUNCTION name="contentSelect" resultname="name">
<CMS_PARAM name="schema" value="databaseSchemaName" />
<QUERY entityType="tableName">
<GT attribute="columnName" datatype="java.lang.Integer" value="value" />
In the direct definition the parameters attribute, datatype and value are to be given.
For attribute the name of the column in the schema which is to be used for the comparison is given.
The datatype is used to specify the data type for the comparison (cf. also the FILTERPARAMtag).
The parameter value is used to specify a comparable value.
Using a variable:
<CMS_FUNCTION name="contentSelect" resultname="name">
<CMS_PARAM name="schema" value="databaseSchemaName" />
<CMS_VALUE_PARAM name="from" value="st_startDate" />
<QUERY entityType="tableName">
<FILTERPARAM parameter="from" datatype="java.util.Date" value="1143758280000" />
<GT attribute="columnName" parameter="from" />
When using variables made available to the query with CMS_VALUE_PARAM and FILTERPARAM the parameters attribute and parameter is to be given.
For attribute the name of the column in the schema which is to be used for the comparison is given.
The parameter parameter is used to specify which variable defined with the FILTERPARAM tag is to be used as the comparable value.
GTE tag (greater than or equal)
The GTE tag is used to define queries which return all data records whose values in the checked column are greater than or equal to the given comparable value (Greater than /equal to check).
A GTE tag can be defined with the help of a variable (FILTERPARAM tag) or directly.
Direct definition:
<CMS_FUNCTION name="contentSelect" resultname="name">
<CMS_PARAM name="schema" value="databaseSchemaName" />
<QUERY entityType="tableName">
<GTE attribute="columnName" datatype="java.lang.Integer" value="value" />
In the direct definition the parameters attribute, datatype and value are to be given.
For attribute the name of the column in the schema which is to be used for the comparison is given.
The datatype is used to specify the data type for the comparison (cf. also the FILTERPARAM tag).
The parameter value is used to specify a comparable value.
Using a variable:
<CMS_FUNCTION name="contentSelect" resultname="name">
<CMS_PARAM name="schema" value="databaseSchemaName" />
<CMS_VALUE_PARAM name="from" value="st_startDate" />
<QUERY entityType="tableName">
<FILTERPARAM parameter="from" datatype="java.util.Date" value="1143758280000" />
<GTE attribute="columnName" parameter="from" />
When using variables made available to the query with CMS_VALUE_PARAM and FILTERPARAM the parameters attribute and parameter are to be given.
For attribute the name of the column in the schema which is to be used for the comparison is given.
The parameter parameter is used to specify which variable defined with the FILTERPARAM tag is to be used as the comparable value.
LT tag (less than)
The LT tag is used to define queries which return all data records whose values in the checked column are less than the given comparable value (Less than check).
An LT tag can be defined with the help of a variable (FILTERPARAM tag) or directly.
Direct definition:
<CMS_FUNCTION name="contentSelect" resultname="name">
<CMS_PARAM name="schema" value="databaseSchemaName" />
<QUERY entityType="tableName">
<LT attribute="columnName" datatype="java.lang.Integer" value="value" />
In the direct definition the parameters attribute, datatype and value are to be given.
For attribute the name of the column in the schema which is to be used for the comparison is given.
The datatype is used to specify the data type for the comparison (cf. also the FILTERPARAM tag).
The parameter value is used to specify a comparable value.
Using a variable:
<CMS_FUNCTION name="contentSelect" resultname="name">
<CMS_PARAM name="schema" value="databaseSchemaName" />
<CMS_VALUE_PARAM name="from" value="st_startDate" />
<QUERY entityType="tableName">
<FILTERPARAM parameter="from" datatype="java.util.Date" value="1143758280000" />
<LT attribute="columnName" parameter="from" />
When using variables made available to the query with CMS_VALUE_PARAM and FILTERPARAM the parameters attribute and parameter are to be given.
For attribute the name of the column in the schema which is to be used for the comparison is given.
The parameter parameter is used to specify which variable defined with the FILTERPARAM tag is to be used as the comparable value.
LTE tag (less than or equal)
The LTE tag is used to define queries which return all data records whose values in the checked column are less than or equal to the given comparable value (Less than /equal to check).
An LTE tag can be defined with the help of a variable (FILTERPARAM tag) or directly.
Direct definition:
<CMS_FUNCTION name="contentSelect" resultname="name">
<CMS_PARAM name="schema" value="databaseSchemaName" />
<QUERY entityType="tableName">
<LTE attribute="columnName" datatype="java.lang.Integer" value="value" />
In the direct definition the parameters attribute, datatype and value are to be given.
For attribute the name of the column in the schema which is to be used for the comparison is given.
The datatype is used to specify the data type for the comparison (cf. also the FILTERPARAM).
The parameter value is used to specify a comparable value.
Using a variable:
<CMS_FUNCTION name="contentSelect" resultname="name">
<CMS_PARAM name="schema" value="databaseSchemaName" />
<CMS_VALUE_PARAM name="from" value="st_startDate" />
<QUERY entityType="tableName">
<FILTERPARAM parameter="from" datatype="java.util.Date" value="1143758280000" />
<LTE attribute="columnName" parameter="from" />
When using variables made available to the query with CMS_VALUE_PARAM and FILTERPARAM the parameters attribute and parameter are to be given.
For attribute the name of the column in the schema which is to be used for the comparison is given.
The parameter parameter is used to specify which variable defined with the FILTERPARAM tag is to be used as the comparable value.
The IS_NULL tag is used to define queries which return all data records which do not have any value in the checked column (Null check).
<CMS_FUNCTION name="contentSelect" resultname="name">
<CMS_PARAM name="schema" value="databaseSchemaName" />
<QUERY entityType="tableName">
<IS_NULL attribute="columnName" />
The definition must contain the attribute parameter.
For attribute the name of the column in the schema which is to be used for the comparison is given.
The NOTNULL tag is used to define queries which return all data records which have a value in the checked column (Not-null check).
<CMS_FUNCTION name="contentSelect" resultname="name">
<CMS_PARAM name="schema" value="databaseSchemaName" />
<QUERY entityType="tableName">
<NOTNULL attribute="columnName" />
The definition must contain the attribute parameter.
For attribute the name of the column in the schema which is to be used for the comparison is given.
LIKE tag
The LIKE tag is used to define queries which return all data records whose values in the checked column are similar to the given comparable value (Similarity check).
The comparable value can be specified using the wildcard % which stands for any character required.
Specifying %ouse therefore returns all terms which end with ouse, e.g. Mouse, House etc.
A LIKE tag can be defined with the help of a variable (FILTERPARAM tag) or directly.
Direct definition:
<CMS_FUNCTION name="contentSelect" resultname="name">
<CMS_PARAM name="schema" value="databaseSchemaName" />
<QUERY entityType="tableName">
<LIKE attribute="columnName" datatype="java.lang.Integer" value="value" />
In the direct definition the parameters attribute, datatype and value are to be given.
For attribute the name of the column in the schema which is to be used for the comparison is given.
The datatype is used to specify the data type for the comparison (cf. also the FILTERPARAMtag).
The parameter value is used to specify a comparable value.
Using a variable:
<CMS_FUNCTION name="contentSelect" resultname="name">
<CMS_PARAM name="schema" value="databaseSchemaName" />
<CMS_VALUE_PARAM name="from" value="st_startDate" />
<QUERY entityType="tableName">
<FILTERPARAM parameter="from" datatype="java.util.Date" value="1143758280000" />
<LIKE attribute="columnName" parameter="from" />
When using variables made available to the query with CMS_VALUE_PARAM and FILTERPARAM the parameters attribute and parameter are to be given.
For attribute the name of the column in the schema which is to be used for the comparison is given.
The parameter parameter is used to specify which variable defined with the FILTERPARAM tag is to be used as the comparable value.