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Start page / Template development / Scripting / Making scripts / Context / client

Client script

Client-end scripts run in the FIRSTspirit client and, among other things, can make input windows available to the editor. These types of scripts are therefore very suitable for project-specific automation of frequently recurring operations within the editorial process.

Client-end scripts can be deployed at the following points:

  • In the global menu
  • In the context menu
  • In workflow activities

Menu script

A menu script can be opened in the menu bar in the JAVAclient.

Menu scripts can be opened in the menu bar under the main menu item Extras, sub-menu item Execute Script .






Context menu script

Context menu scripts can be executed in the context menu (right-click a node in a store) in the JAVAclient.

The context menu item in which these scripts are displayed is Execute Script.



Context menu



Workflow Script

A Workflowscript is a script which is executed on an activity in a workflow (in the diagram it is the script createDataObject).



Execution on an activity



Content2 Script

Scripts can be executed on a data record in the Content Store. These so-called Content2 scripts can be reached via the context menu item Execute Script .



Execution on data row



Special scripts

Special scripts cover special aspects of FIRSTspirit.

PermissionEditor script

Scripts can be executed within a PERMISSION input component.

Defined scripts are displayed as buttons in the bottom of the input component (see testscript in the Figure)






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