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CMS_LABELAvailable from FirstSpirit Version 4.0

for example


This input component can be used to specify during template development which text is to be displayed as a label on each page or in each section.

Optional parameters
Optional parameters
Optional parameters
Optional parameters
Optional parameters


The CMS_LABEL component can be used to create additional labelling.

The component has three optional parameters:

  • bold: the additional labelling is displayed in bold type
  • italic: the additional labelling is displayed in italic type
  • size: Size of the labelling

ParameterMandatorySinceTypeDefault value


Using the parameter bold the additional label is displayed in bold type.

If the parameter is not specified the labelling is displayed in bold type by default.

If NO (...bold="NO"...) is given the labelling is displayed in normal type.

ParameterMandatorySinceTypeDefault value


Using the parameter italic the additional label is displayed in italic type.

If YES (...bold="YES"...) is given the labelling is displayed in italic type.

If the parameter is not specified the labelling is displayed in normal type (not italic) by default.

ParameterMandatorySinceTypeDefault value


Using the parameter size the size of the additional label can be defined in pixel. The parameter expects a positive integer, e.g. size="14".

If the parameter is not specified the labelling is displayed in 12 pixel type by default.

ParameterMandatorySinceTypeDefault value

LANGINFOSAvailable from FirstSpirit Version 3.1

Using the tag LANGINFOS language-dependent information can be defined for each input component, e.g. which title is to be used for the input component in the different project languages (parameter label), which tooltip is to be displayed (parameter description) etc. For reasons of clarity, definitions which are identical in multiple languages will be merged. For example,

<LANGINFO lang="*" label="Datum"/>
<LANGINFO lang="DE" label="Datum"/>
<LANGINFO lang="EN" label="Datum"/>

will be merged to

<LANGINFO lang="*" label="Datum"/>

after saving.

Available from FirstSpirit Version 4.2R2 Up to and including FirstSpirit version 4.2R2 language definitions will be deleted only in the case if the values are identical in all languages (as in example above). Furthermore, only the parameters lang, description and label are taken into account when merging.

Available from FirstSpirit Version 4.2R4 Since FirstSpirit version 4.2R4 all parameters are taken into account (e.g. format and length). Furthermore, language definitions are also merged within LANGINFOS tags, if they are identical in at least two languages. For example,

<LANGINFO lang="*" label="Date" format="dd.MM.yy"/>
<LANGINFO lang="DE" label="Date" format="dd.MM.yy"/>
<LANGINFO lang="EN" label="Date" format="MM/dd/yy"/>

will become

<LANGINFO lang="*" label="Date" format="dd.MM.yy"/>
<LANGINFO lang="EN" label="Date" format="MM/dd/yy"/>

after saving.

The definition for the fallback value (*) will not be deleted in any case. If there are two or more language definitions with identical values the first one will be maintained, the other will be deleted.

Available from FirstSpirit Version 4.2R2 IMPORTANT: Up to and including FirstSpirit version 4.2R2 at least one definition for the fallback labelling ("*") must be given:

<LANGINFO lang="*" label="TEXT"/>

Available from FirstSpirit Version 4.2R4 From FirstSpirit version 4.2R4 the fallback definition can be omitted. In this case, the language which is defined first will be used automatically as fallback value. For example,

<LANGINFO lang="EN" label="Date"/>
<LANGINFO lang="DE" label="Datum"/>

will become

<LANGINFO lang="*" label="Date"/>
<LANGINFO lang="DE" label="Datum"/>

after saving.

LANGINFOAvailable from FirstSpirit Version 3.1

The LANGINFO tag is used to give values or attributes for a language as well for use as fallback values.

In order to state values or attributes for a language it is necessary to give the abbreviation of the project language in the lang parameter:

<LANGINFO lang="DE".../>

Fallback values are given with the special language abbreviation * ("for all languages"):

<LANGINFO lang="*".../>

The lang parameter is a mandatory parameter.

ParameterMandatorySinceTypeDefault value


The lang parameter is used to give the language abbreviation which is entered in the server properties see View document FirstSpirit Manual for Administrators, Chapter "Language templates") to specify for which project languages the definitions are to apply, e.g. DE for German, EN for English, FR for French etc. The following characters can be used as often as required: -, _, 0-9 and A-Z. Lower case letters are transformed automatically into upper case letters after having saved the template. In addition * can be used for fallback values.

ParameterMandatorySinceTypeDefault value


The description parameter can be used to give a description which is used to display a tool tip (mouse-over).

ParameterMandatorySinceTypeDefault value


The label parameter is used to give the surface labelling for input and visualisation components.

ParameterMandatorySinceTypeDefault value


Language abbreviation, e.g. DE, EN, FR or * for return values


Positive integer


Switch to apply an attribute or not

NOAvailable from FirstSpirit Version 2.0

Do not apply attribute

YESAvailable from FirstSpirit Version 2.0

Apply attribute


A random character string


An example of the form component "CMS_LABEL":

<CMS_LABEL bold="YES" size="14">
<LANGINFO lang="*" label="TEXT" description="TEXT"/>
<LANGINFO lang="DE" label="TEXT" description="TEXT"/>
<LANGINFO lang="EN" label="TEXT" description="TEXT"/>

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