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FirstSpirit CorporateContent

The documentation FirstSpirit CorporateContent (formerly known as "PackagePool" or "Package Management") describes the license based FirstSpirit functionality "PackagePool". It allows you to bundle objects from the FirstSpirit-Client (for example pages including all references) into so-called packages and import them by different target projects. Advantage of this function: Objects can be maintained at one central point (in the master project). Afterwards, they can be imported into the target projects automatically or manually per subscription. In this way working with company-wide uniform data is simplified considerably. Objects like company logos or section templates are just provided by a package and can imported into all target projects. When package objects change, for example the company logo, a new package version is generated. It will be imported automatically into all target projects which have a valid subscription for this package. That way you make sure that objects are always up to date.

If a valid license is present then this functionality is located in the menu option "Package pool".

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  • Chapter 2: explains the most important terms and concepts for the work with packages and subscriptions. This chapter offers a general overview about the functionality of the PackagePool and facilitates the access for beginners.
  • Chapter 3: deals with all menu items and dialogue boxes for creating, editing and publishing packages. This chapter is only relevant for advanced users being authorised to create packages (project administrators) or to edit packages (authorised users) (page 14 ff.).
  • Chapter 4: explains how to deal with subscriptions. It describes how to create and edit subscriptions as well as the different options of how to import packages. This chapter is directed at all users who would like to import packages into projects.
  • Chapter 5: introduces the overview of the PackagePool showing all relations between packages and projects. This is a helpful function for all users of the PackagePool.
  • Chapter 6: deals with the concept of publish groups. They make it easier for users to publish and import packages within complexe working environments. This chapter is only relevant for advanced users, too.
  • Chapter 7: explains how to use the context menu and the provided functions, for all users of the PackagePool.
  • Chapter 8: describes the configuration settings on the server and deals in detail how to migrate existing projects into a package master project.
  • Chapter 10: explains the option of a common database access in relationship with the PackagePool. This can be realised both for existing databases and for new, commonly used databases.


  • Chapter 2: explains the most important terms and concepts for the work with packages and subscriptions. This chapter offers a general overview about the functionality of the PackagePool and facilitates the access for beginners.
  • Chapter 3: deals with all menu items and dialogue boxes for creating, editing and publishing packages. This chapter is only relevant for advanced users being authorised to create packages (project administrators) or to edit packages (authorised users) (page 14 ff.).
  • Chapter 4: explains how to deal with subscriptions. It describes how to create and edit subscriptions as well as the different options of how to import packages. This chapter is directed at all users who would like to import packages into projects
  • Chapter 5: introduces the overview of the PackagePool showing all relations between packages and projects. This is a helpful function for all users of the PackagePool.
  • Chapter 6: deals with the concept of publish groups. They make it easier for users to publish and import packages within complexe working environments. This chapter is only relevant for advanced users, too.
  • Chapter 7: explains how to use the context menu and the provided functions, for all users of the PackagePool.
  • Chapter 9: shows some aspects which are important for package deverlopers and treats the support of multilingualism by the PackagePool and the adaption of content in the target projects in particular.


  • Chapter 2: explains the most important terms and concepts for the work with packages and subscriptions. This chapter offers a general overview about the functionality of the PackagePool and facilitates the access for beginners.
  • Chapter 4: explains how to deal with subscriptions. It describes how to create and edit subscriptions as well as the different options of how to import packages. This chapter is directed at all users who would like to import packages into projects.
  • Chapter 5: introduces the overview of the PackagePool showing all relations between packages and projects. This is a helpful function for all users of the PackagePool.
  • Chapter 7: explains how to use the context menu and the provided functions, for all users of the PackagePool.


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