Introduction / FirstSpirit Server configuration / Configuration files (FirstSpirit Server) / Logging configuration (fs-logging.xml) / logging migration

Migration of the log configurations

FirstSpirit automatically provides standard configurations for Log4j2. These can be found in the <FirstSpiritROOT>/conf/conf-all directory after updating the FirstSpirit server to version 2023.6 (or newer). They are created with the naming scheme fs-logging.<Loglevel>.xml.default.txt (e.g. fs-logging.debug.xml.default.txt).

To change the default logging to Log4j2, just copy these files to the <FirstSpiritROOT>/conf directory and remove the .default.txt extension. After a short time the new configuration file will be used.

Important If the logging does not meet the expectations, the log4j2 configuration can simply be deleted again. After a short time, the old configuration will be used again.

If the standard logging has been extended in the Log4j syntax, the corresponding changes must be transferred to the new syntax. (Audit logging example)

A general guide to the syntax of log4j2 can be found e.g. here:

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