ClassDescriptionAbstract GomElement implementing common functionalities needed for GuiXml handling.Abstract class defining most common features of a form element.Abstract implementation of a language information provider.AbstractGomList<T extends GomElement>Abstract implementation of a GOM list.Mode definitions for entity conversion.Default implementation of a GOM information object.Generic implementation for GOM language information container.Interface for GOM elements that can be checked on syntax and semantics.Interface providing access to the validation context.Tag for GOM elements acting as group, i.e., a container for a list of GOM elements.Tag for marking a class to implement a GOM element.Provider of entries.Definition for a GOM element acting as editor.Interface for hideable gom elements.Definition for configuration implementations providing include functionality for GOM elements.Hot-spot interface to provide a list of values for input components.Interface for GOM elements allowing to define their treatment wrt. indexing.Entry for defining labeled language information.Root definition for GOM elements providing specific information of primitive types (attribute-gained data).Definition of a language information providing GOM element.Definition of a GOM language info container.GomList<T extends GomElement>Definition of a GOM list-element interface.Interface featuring GOM elements to allow defining their relevancy level with respect to searching their value.This error indicates an invalid gom source.Types for inclusion of value ranges in option editors.Defines an extended preset mode for initial value providing editors.Abstract supertype for item providing containers.A GOM element supporting line breaks.Definition for objects taking a generic key-mapped collection of parameters.Interface representing the general gom preset modes.Simple range container.Enumeration of options defining a relevancy level.Options for how to treat associations wrt. indexing.Boolean enum type for properly named attribute values to switch some option.