New in FirstSpirit Version 4.2 Release 4
In this section the functions are introduced which are newly implemented in FirstSpirit Version 4.2 Release 4.
FirstSpirit AppCenter:
The FirstSpirit AppCenter provides a defined area within the editing system in which stand-alone applications, which are no constituents of FirstSpirit, can be executed (so called "AppCenter applications"). Examples for AppCenter applications are the integration of Microsoft Office or the functions for the integrated image processing, available with FirstSpirit Version 4.2R4. The web browsers Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer, which have been integrated in the Versions 4.2 R0 and R2, are AppCenter applications, too. All these AppCenter applications were implemented by e-Spirit as constituents of the core product. But there are also several AppCenter applications which are implemented as FirstSpirit module. These AppCenter modules can be developed by e-Spirit but also by a partner.
For this purpose, an initial version of the Application integration API is currently available which enables partners and customers to realise fully independent individual application integrations for FirstSpirit. Further information are to be found in the FirstSpirit Manual for Developers (Components) (only German) and in the documentation FirstSpirit AppCenter.
In addition to the already known FirstSpirit Access API, developers have now access to the so called Developer-API, too. The difference between Access API and Developer API results mainly from different requirements concerning the stability.
In the context of the developments for the application integration, for example the new input component FS_BUTTON has been introduced. This input component provides a button or an icon to the editor which is bound to a FirstSpirit script or a class, which is made available for example by a FirstSpirit module on the server (see FS_BUTTON). Own web applications, which are for example to be used for the AppCenter, can be installed and configured in the server properties, area "Web applications", from 4.2R4 on.
System requirements:
The objective in Version 4.2R4 was to update the web browsers, operating systems and databases supported by FirstSpirit. As a result, Mozilla Firefox in version 3.5 and 3.6 as well as the Microsoft Internet Explorer in version 7 and 8 can now be used for working with the FirstSpirit WebClient. Concerning databases, more current versions of the databases which are supported by FirstSpirit can now be used (see Technical Datasheet).
From Version 4.2R4, the integration of JDBC driver files as a FirstSpirit module is recommended. They should no longer be filed in the .../shared/lib directory, among other things, to enable various versions of a driver to be operated in parallel. How to switch to the use of FirstSpirit module will be described in the FirstSpirit Release Notes for Version 4.2R4.
Input components:
- Since FirstSpirit Version 4.2, an extensively revision and consolidation of the FirstSpirit component and module model has started. This has been finished largely with 4.2R4. The input components with the prefix FS_ which have been introduced within this context have adapted the functions of already existing input components. The advantage of these new input components is that often only one input component is required now for several use cases. Thus, the number of different page and section templates used in a project can be reduced. If usages of CMS_INPUT_PICTURE, CMS_INPUT_FILE, CMS_INPUT_PAGEREF or CMS_INPUT_OBJECTCHOOSER are to be replaced in a project by FS_REFERENCE or FS_DATASET, you need to migrate the related forms and output channels (see FirstSpirit Release Notes zur Version 4.2R4 and the pages FS_REFERENCE and FS_DATASET).
- Since its introduction in the initial release version of 4.2, the input component FS_LIST has shown the functions of the input component CMS_INPUT_CONTENTAREALIST. The objective of the consolidation of the FirstSpirit input components started in 4.2 should be to group together all input characters with a list character in FS_LIST. Therefore, in Version 4.2R4 the functions of the following input components have been added. A migration of forms and output channels is required in this case, too (see FS_LIST).
- The new input component FS_BUTTON provides an icon, a button or a link which is bound to a FirstSpirit script or a class, which is made available for example by a FirstSpirit module on the server, to the editor. If the editor clicks on this control element or if he drags objects with the mouse pointer to it ("Drag-and-drop"), the referenced script or the class will be invoked. In this way, FS_BUTTON can be used to create an icon or a button which triggers an individually implemented function. This input component is currently available only for the JavaClient (see FS_BUTTON).
- Using the data element CMS_INCLUDE_OPTIONS, the value set which is to be displayed in the input components CMS_INPUT_CHECKBOX, CMS_INPUT_COMBOBOX, CMS_INPUT_RADIOBUTTON and CMS_INPUT_LIST for selection can be configured dynamically. In this way, the input components can be, for example, filled with data records of an external table. From Version 4.2R4 on, the set of data records can be restricted by means of the query which is defined for the respective database schema (see CMS_INCLUDE_OPTIONS, type DATABASE, tag QUERY).
WebEdit has been visually revised again in Version 4.2R4, before being replaced by a completely new implementation in FirstSpirit Version 5.0. In addition, several new functions have been introduced. The user prompting is more or less unchanged (see FirstSpirit Manual for Editors (WebEdit)).
Integated preview for media:
From 4.2R4, the "Integrated preview", introduced in JavaClient in FirstSpirit Version 4.2, can not only be used for a preview of the currently edited content as to date, but also other file formats (namely with the help of an application matching the format) and FirstSpirit Online Help can now also be displayed there. You can easily copy sections from the online help (for example sample code) per drag-and-drop into the form tab of templates.
Reference names:
With FirstSpirit Version 4.2R4, a server-wide rule set can be defined, according to which invalid characters are to be transformed on creating new FirstSpirit objects or changing the reference name. In this way, e.g. each "Ä" can be automatically transformed into an "ae" on input or special characters such as dots or commas transformed into underscores. This is useful, e.g. if reference names are used in the generation of a project for the generation of URLs.
FirstSpirit Module "Personalisation":
From FirstSpirit Version 4.2R4 a login via Kerberos in combination with the module "FirstSpirit Personalisation" can be provided. For this purpose, the new login module "Kerberos Login“ has been implemented. For detailed information about how to configure this login module see module documentation FirstSpirit Personalisation.
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For detailed information about all innovations of FirstSpirit Version 4.2R4 see FirstSpirit Release Notes for Version 4.2R4. |