Introduction / User permission configuration / Configuration / Configuration for the deployment

Configuration for the deployment

The required files are deployed via a deployment servlet. This is achieved by creating a deployment schedule entry in the ServerManager in the Project properties (see Add/Edit schedule entry ).

The Deployment Servlet is a fixed part of the web application in the web server. This servlet enables the local file list to be compared (synchronised) with the web application in the event of deployment.

Through the CRC 32 checksum calculation for each file generated:

  • changed and new files only can be transferred.
  • generated files can no longer be deleted in the web application (optional).

This ensures that all up-to-date is generated but only changed data is also transferred. The data comparison (synchronisation) is carried out on the basis of the calculated CRC 32 checksums.

For further information, see documentation for the FirstSpirit Security module.

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