




$button: HTMLElement
Type : HTMLElement
$node: HTMLElement
Type : HTMLElement
language: string
Type : string
previewId: string
Type : string
status: Status
Type : Status
export interface CreateSectionOptions {
  body?: string;
  template?: string;
  name?: string;
  index?: number;
  result?: boolean;

export interface CreatePageOptions {
  language?: string;
  result?: boolean;
  showFormDialog?: boolean;
  forceUid?: boolean;

export interface Status {
  storeType?: string;
  uidType?: string;
  elementType?: string;
  id?: string;
  displayName?: string;
  uid?: string;
  released?: boolean;
  releaseSupported: boolean;
  bookmark: boolean;
  workflows?: any;
  language?: string;
  entityId?: string;
  name: string;
  permissions: {
    see: boolean;
    read: boolean;
    change: boolean;
    delete: boolean;
    appendLeaf: boolean;
    deleteLeaf: boolean;
    release: boolean;
    seeMeta: boolean;
    changeMeta: boolean;
    changePermission: boolean;
  children: any[];
  custom: any;

export interface CreatePageResult extends CreateSectionResult {
  uid: string;
  displayname?: string;
  locale: {
    identifier: string;
    country: string;
    language: string;

export interface CreateSectionResult {
  identifier: string;
    | string
    | {
        fsType: string;
        identifier: string;
        name: string;
        uid: string;
        uidType?: string;
  formData: { [key: string]: any };
  previewId?: string;
  name: string;
  fsType: string;

export interface SNAPStatus {
  storeType?: string;
  uidType?: string;
  elementType?: string;
  id?: string;
  displayName?: string;
  uid?: string;
  released?: boolean;
  releaseSupported: boolean;
  bookmark: boolean;
  workflows?: any;
  language?: string;
  entityId?: string;
  name: string;
  permissions: {
    see: boolean;
    read: boolean;
    change: boolean;
    delete: boolean;
    appendLeaf: boolean;
    deleteLeaf: boolean;
    release: boolean;
    seeMeta: boolean;
    changeMeta: boolean;
    changePermission: boolean;
  children: any[];
  custom: any;

export interface SNAPButtonScope {
   * The DOM node where the decoration appears.
  $node: HTMLElement;

   * The DOM node of the button (not available in {@link SNAPButton.isVisible}.
  $button: HTMLElement;

   * The PreviewId
  previewId: string;

   * The current {@link SNAPStatus} object of PreviewId
  status: SNAPStatus;

   * The current language.
  language: string;

export interface SNAPButton {
   * Simple labeling, used by the default of {@link getLabel}.
  label: string;

   * Simple css class definition, used by the default of {@link getIcon}.
   * @optional
  css?: string;

   * Simple icon url, used by the default of {@link getIcon}.
   * @optional
  icon?: string;

   * Whether the button is applied to elements specifying no actual, but a component path preview ID prefixed with "#".
   * @optional
  supportsComponentPath?: boolean;

   * Whether the button is applied to elements that can be edited in-place.
   * @optional
  supportsInedit?: boolean;

   * Whether this button should be rendered or not; the default is (scope) => true.
   * Be careful with your Promise here: the rendering of <b>all</b> buttons only happens after all Button#isVisible calls. That's why ButtonScope.$button doesn't exist in {@link SNAPButtonScope} this time.
   * @optional
   * @param scope
  isVisible?(scope: SNAPButtonScope): Promise<boolean>;

   * Whether this button should be enabled or not; the default is (scope) => false
   * @optional
   * @param scope
  isEnabled?(scope: SNAPButtonScope): Promise<boolean>;

   * Use scope.$button to define the appearance of the button.
   * @example
   * ```javascript
   * // the default callback is defined as:
   * TPP_BROKER.registerButton({
   *   icon = null,
   *   css = null,
   *   getIcon = async ({ $button }) =>
   *     (css !== null && !$button.classList.add(css))
   *     || (icon !== null && ($ = `url(${icon})`))
   *     || $button.classList.add('tpp-icon-action'),
   *   ...
   * });
   * ```
   * @optional
   * @param scope
  getIcon?(scope: SNAPButtonScope): void;

   * The tooltip ( [title] ) for this button.
   * @example
   * ```javascript
   * // the default callback is defined as:
   * TPP_BROKER.registerButton({
   *   label = '',
   *   getLabel = () => label,
   *   ...
   * });
   * ```
   * @example
   * ```javascript
   * // localize
   * TPP_BROKER.registerButton({
   *   getLabel: ({ language }) => language.toLowerCase() === 'de' ? 'Deutsche Bezeichnung' : 'English Label',
   *   ...
   * });
   * ```
   * @optional
   * @param scope
  getLabel?(scope: SNAPButtonScope): void;

   * If this is not an empty list, a dropdown will be rendered; the default is (scope) => []
   * An item could be anything, but it needs a property called label, which appears in the dropdown.
   * @optional
   * @param scope
  getItems?(scope: SNAPButtonScope): any[];

   * Will be called before {@link execute}.
   * @optional
   * @param scope
   * @param item See {@link getItems}
  beforeExecute?(scope: SNAPButtonScope, item: any): void;

   * Will be called, when the button (or an item) is clicked.
   * @optional
   * @param scope
   * @param item See {@link getItems}
  execute?(scope: SNAPButtonScope, item: any): Promise<void>;

   * Will be called after {@link execute}.
   * @optional
   * @param scope
   * @param item See {@link getItems}.
   * @param error If an uncaught error appears.
  afterExecute?(scope: SNAPButtonScope, item: any, error?: Error): void;

  _name?: string;

export interface SNAP {
  isConnected: Promise<boolean>;
  _buttons: Button[];
  createSection(previewId: string, options?: CreateSectionOptions): Promise<CreateSectionResult> | void;
  createPage(path: string, uid: string, template: string, options?: CreatePageOptions): Promise<CreatePageResult> | void;
  getPreviewElement(): Promise<string>;
  onContentChange(handler: ($node: HTMLElement, previewId: string, content: any) => any);
  onInit(handler: (success: boolean) => void);
  onRerenderView(handler: () => void);
  onRequestPreviewElement(handler: (previewId: string) => void);
  renderElement(previewId: string): Promise<string | object>;
  setPreviewElement(previewId: string);
  getElementStatus(previewId: string): Promise<Status>;
  triggerRerenderView(): Promise<void>;
  execute(identifier: string, params?: object, result?: boolean): Promise<any>;
  showEditDialog(previewId: string);
  registerButton(button: SNAPButton, index: number): void;
  getPreviewLanguage(): Promise<string>;

export interface Button {
  _name?: string;
  label?: string;
  css?: string;
  getItems?(scope: ButtonScope): any[];
  execute?(scope: ButtonScope, item: any): Promise<void>;
  isEnabled?(scope: ButtonScope): Promise<boolean>;

export interface ButtonScope {
  $node: HTMLElement;
  $button: HTMLElement;
  previewId: string;
  status: Status;
  language: string;

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