


This converter prepares the data by replacing non-existent language specific data with the fallback language ones.




constructor(caasClientFactory: CaasClientFactory, fsSpartacusBridgeConfig: FsSpartacusBridgeConfig, baseSiteService: BaseSiteService)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
caasClientFactory CaasClientFactory No
fsSpartacusBridgeConfig FsSpartacusBridgeConfig No
baseSiteService BaseSiteService No


Private addIdentifier2ObjectMapEntry
addIdentifier2ObjectMapEntry(identifier: string, content: any)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
identifier string No
content any No
Returns : void
Private collectFallbackCandidates
collectFallbackCandidates(child: any)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
child any No
Returns : void
convert(source: FsCmsPageInterface | null | undefined)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
source FsCmsPageInterface | null | undefined No
Returns : Observable<FsCmsPageInterface>
Private createFallbackIdentifierObject
Returns : { fallbackIdentifiers: any; }
Private findSectionsInCaasResponse
findSectionsInCaasResponse(caasResponse: FsCmsPageInterface)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
caasResponse FsCmsPageInterface No
Returns : any[]
Private performFallbackRequest
performFallbackRequest(caasClientObservable: Observable<CaasClient>)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
caasClientObservable Observable<CaasClient> No
Returns : any
Private replaceSection
replaceSection(identifier: string, replaceSection: any)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
identifier string No
replaceSection any No
Returns : void
Private setSource
setSource(source: FsCmsPageInterface)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
source FsCmsPageInterface No
Returns : void


Private fallbackLanguage
Type : string
Private identifier2ObjectMap
Type : Map<string | any[]>
Private source
Type : FsCmsPageInterface
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { BaseSiteService, Converter } from '@spartacus/core';
import { FsSpartacusBridgeConfig } from 'fs-spartacus-common';
import { Observable, of } from 'rxjs';
import { first, map, switchAll, take } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { CaasClient } from '../../caas/caas-client';
import { CaasClientFactory } from '../../caas/caas-client.factory';

import { FsCmsPageInterface } from './fs-cms-page.interface';

 * This converter prepares the data by replacing non-existent language specific data with the fallback language ones.
 * @export
@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class FsCmsPageLanguageFallbackReplacer implements Converter<FsCmsPageInterface, Observable<FsCmsPageInterface>> {
  private source: FsCmsPageInterface;
  private identifier2ObjectMap: Map<string, any[]>;
  private fallbackLanguage: string;

    private caasClientFactory: CaasClientFactory,
    private fsSpartacusBridgeConfig: FsSpartacusBridgeConfig,
    private baseSiteService: BaseSiteService
  ) {}

  convert(source: FsCmsPageInterface | null | undefined): Observable<FsCmsPageInterface> {
    // null is a valid value for source, because it indicates,
    // that a FirstSpirit page is not present, which is a valid state
    if (!source) {
      return of(null);

    let baseSite;
      .subscribe((activeBaseSite) => (baseSite = activeBaseSite));
    if (
      this.fsSpartacusBridgeConfig.bridge[baseSite].fallbackLanguage &&
      this.fsSpartacusBridgeConfig.bridge[baseSite].fallbackLanguage !== ''
    ) {
      this.fallbackLanguage = this.fsSpartacusBridgeConfig.bridge[baseSite].fallbackLanguage.substring(0, 2);
    } else {
      // if no fallback language is configured in the bridge config return the source because no section can be replaced
      return of(source);

    const caasClientFactoryObservable = this.caasClientFactory.createCaasClient().pipe(take(1));
    if (this.identifier2ObjectMap != null) {
    this.identifier2ObjectMap = new Map();
    for (const children of {
      if (children != null) {
        children.children.forEach((child) => this.collectFallbackCandidates(child));

    return this.performFallbackRequest(caasClientFactoryObservable);

  private setSource(source: FsCmsPageInterface): void {
    this.source = null;
    this.source = source;

  private addIdentifier2ObjectMapEntry(identifier: string, content: any): void {
    const mapContent = [];
    if (this.identifier2ObjectMap.has(identifier)) {
    this.identifier2ObjectMap.set(identifier, mapContent);

  private collectFallbackCandidates(child: any) {
    if (child.formData?.st_languageFallbackEnabled?.value) {
      this.addIdentifier2ObjectMapEntry(child.identifier, child);

  private createFallbackIdentifierObject() {
    if (this.identifier2ObjectMap.size > 0) {
      return {
        fallbackIdentifiers: Array.from(this.identifier2ObjectMap.keys()),

  private replaceSection(identifier: string, replaceSection: any) {
    if (this.identifier2ObjectMap.has(identifier)) { => {
        child.children?.forEach((section) => {
          if (section.identifier === identifier) {
            section.formData = replaceSection.formData;

  private performFallbackRequest(caasClientObservable: Observable<CaasClient>) {
    return caasClientObservable.pipe(
      map((caasClient) =>
        this.identifier2ObjectMap.size > 0 ? caasClient.getPageSections(, this.fallbackLanguage) : of(undefined)
      map((caasResponse) => this.findSectionsInCaasResponse(caasResponse)),
      map((sections) => {
        sections.forEach((section) => this.replaceSection(section?.identifier, section));
        return Object.assign({}, this.source, this.createFallbackIdentifierObject());

  // we always want to use element 0 of the caas response,
  // we know there will be only one element because we request the page in a specific Language
  private findSectionsInCaasResponse(caasResponse: FsCmsPageInterface): any[] {
    if (caasResponse) {
      const pageChildren = caasResponse[0]?.page?.children;
      if (pageChildren && Array.isArray(pageChildren)) {
        const foundSections = [];
        pageChildren.forEach((child) => {
          child.children?.forEach((section) => {
            if (section.fsType && section.fsType === 'Section') {
        return foundSections;
    return [];

results matching ""

    No results matching ""