Managing content in different languages is a very complex issue and is often done in cooperation with a special translation office. However, since you do not necessarily want those to work with your system, a module is needed which allows to manage the process of submitting data to be translated out of FirstSpirit into a target system or reimporting finished translations into FirstSpirit again.
TranslationStudio enables you to manage this process and customise it to meet your particular needs, either in terms of IT-infrastructure or editing and translation processes. The application is based on 3 principles:
By using the TranslationStudio module, editors can conveniently and directly highlight the content selected for translation in FirstSpirit SiteArchitect or ContentCreator and forward it to TranslationStudio for translation. The module manages everything else. All the editor has to do is starting a workflow.
The TranslationStudio allows to forward individual sections, entire pages or complete projects for translation, thus providing optimal support for companies in rolling out additional country or language specific projects.
As soon as the translation has been completed, either the system takes over and imports the content directly or you download it from the translation system and drop it in a special TranslationStudio folder at a later stage.
The process is transparent at any stage. TranslationStudio informs a user about any state changes via email and an optional status indicator icon containing the most recent status information regarding the respective page.
If more detailed information a required, a report component extending the SiteArchitect or ContentCreator allows for a more advanced feedback option.
FirstSpirit is the single point of configuration. TranslationStudio provides you with installation scripts which do most of the work for you. A step-by-step installation instruction further reduces the complexity.
TranslationStudio is designed to be as flexible as possible to enable you to use the module in a way that best fits your needs.
TranslationStudio allows companies to report on their translations and perform them in a cost-effective manner. The module collects translation requests and only forwards them when a certain, (fully configurable) threshold has been reached to ensure an optimal workload for the translator. Alternatively, urgent translation may bypass this process at any stage.
Sometimes, certain languages require a specific order of translation, for example from German via English to Chinese. Both parts of this process not only require a (different) professional translator, but also technical assistance. TranslationStudio helps you here. Configure source and target languages for translation with a simple mouse click.
TranslationStudio enables you to forward a context preview along with your content to be translated. The preview can be generated from any input channel you define and does not necessarily have to be a PDF.
TranslationStudio is designed and developed to communicate with different translation memory systems using special connector which are optionally available.
Irrespective of whether you are using one of the larger enterprise systems, such as Trados or Across, or whether you prefer cloud-based solutions, like market leaders lingoking or, TranslationStudio is supplied with a connector most relevant to you if required.
TranslationStudio does not require advanced knowledge in order to be used by editors and users in general on a day to day basis. Hence, special user workshops are not necessary once the application is setup properly.
TranslationStudio consists of two components
While the FirstSpirit Module (FSM) has to be installed and configured using the FirstSpirit ServerManager, the TranslationStudio Application can be installed on any server, as long as a sharing of certain resources is possible as described below.
Both modules communicate with each other using a specific port. Yet, the communication is initiated solely by FirstSpirit and uses HTTP requests to access the REST-API of the TranslationStudio Application.
The FirstSpirit FSM Module provides all means necessary to use the TranslationStudio in FirstSpirit and to communicate with the TranslationStudio Application.
However, all parts of FirstSpirit FSM Module work within FirstSpirit and do not process tasks other than requesting a translation of elements and information management for the user.
The TranslationStudio Application is the core programme which keeps track of translations, receives information of new pages to be translated and initiates translations and imports translated data into FirstSpirit.
In addition, this programme is also responsible for the entire data management related to a translation, e.g. fetching the respective pages from FirstSpirit.
Shared resources for context preview files
FirstSpirit needs to be able to deploy preview files into a specific TranslationStudio directory. If the TranslationStudio Application is installed on another server, please make sure that the respective folder is accessible.
Security aspects
Please make sure that the port both programmes use for communication is accessible and not blocked by a firewall. In addition, if the TranslationStudio Application runs on a different server, both servers have to be able to communicate with each other.
Finally and importantly, please make sure that the port used by the TranslationStudio Application is not publicly accessibly but only within your network, and preferably limited to those servers requiring it, according to your security policies.
Basically, two scenarios of integrating and operating FirstSpirit TranslationStudio are possible and will be described briefly in the following.
Importantly, there are no limitations for the user. They either use the SiteArchitect or ContentCreator to register pages for translation. This request will be forwarded to the FirstSpirit TranslationStudio Service running on the FirstSpirit Server.
This service will forward the request to the TranslationStudio Application where it will be processed.
In this simple scenario, the FirstSpirit TranslationStudio runs on the FirstSpirit server. Consequently, they also share the system’s resources.
Running FirstSpirit TranslationStudio on different server.
In this advanced scenario, TranslationStudio Application runs on a different server. This solution reduces FirstSpirit server workload and might be appropriate high availability clusters or projects.
The server running the TranslationStudio Application is further secured by a firewall to limit net exposure.
The amount of RAM and disk space required varies according to your project and mode of operation.
This section answers frequently and reoccurring questions about TranslationStudio.
Is it possible to translate datasets?
Yes, TranslationStudio can be used to translate datasets and pages/sections alike.
Does TranslationStudio support XLIFF - Which XML format does TranslationStudio use?
TranslationStudio uses its own XML format which embed the FirstSpirit XML to avoid too many transformations. However, it is possible to develop a TranslationStudio plugin to transform our XML into another, such as XLIFF.
Is a Translation Memory System required?
No, TranslationStudio does not require it. Translatable XML files will be stored in a specific directory from which you may get translatable documents.Translated XML documents can be deployed into another specific TranslationStudio directory to trigger the import into FirstSpirit.
Can I use multiple Translation Memory Systems at the same time?
Yes, this is possible without specific adjustments.
I have a complex translation process. How can TranslationStudio integrate into it? TranslationStudio allows you to execute plugins (Hooks) at certain access points, e.g. after having created translatable documents. Here, a plugin would allow you to add additional files (e.g. meta files) containing relevant management data.
In addition, the TranslationStudio workflow form can be extended to add more information to be sent along with your translatable files. A common scenario would be to add a cost centre or ask for an estimation of cost. This, obviously, depends on your specific process. However, TranslationStudio has means to add such necessities.
Can I see a demo?
Yes, we will gladly show you a demo of TranslationStudio. Simply contact your e-Spirit contact person or visit the e-Spirit marketplace.
Where can I find further information?
If you require further or more detailed information, please do not hesitate to contact your e-Spirit contact person or visit the e-Spirit marketplace. The e-Spirit community might also be a good starting point.
Translation Management can be a very complex process. TranslationStudio allows you to reduce this complexity to a minimum without limiting internal processes and workflows. Instead, TranslationStudio offers a variety of options to adapt the application to your company’s processes.