This document describes the
The test has been executed as part of the e-Spirit module certification process.
The FirstSpirit Server and the TranslationStudio Application Service were both hosted on the same physical machine with the following software and hardware capabilities:
TranslationStudio was started using the following memory parameters:
-XX:GCLogFileSize=10485760 -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=log/crash.hprof -XX:InitialHeapSize=129219968 -XX:MaxHeapSize=2067519488 -XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=10 -XX:+PrintGC -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+UseCompressedClassPointers -XX:+UseCompressedOops -XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation -XX:+UseParallelGC
This test was performed on a server running a recent FirstSpirit version.
This test used a H2 embedded database version 1.4.196.
The following test consisted of the consecutive translation of datasets and pages.
The aim of the procedure applied is to forwards 10,000 datasets simultaneously and to complete the entire translation process.
The test used a special Translation Memory System connector which took the source translatable XML and forwarded it to the import process after the translation status had been requested. The files were not modified in any way.
The procedure consists of the following parts:
translation complete
Steps 1-2 were part of a special workflow executed using the ServerManager.
The aim of the procedure applied is to forwards 10,000 pages simultaneously and to complete the entire translation process. The procedure consists of the following parts:
translation complete
Steps 1-2 were part of a special workflow executed using the ServerManager.
Preview files were not created since they do not add significant load to the TranslationStudio Application
The test result is summarised below. The memory consumption refers to the TranslationStudio Application only.
Result | Datasets | Pages |
Duration | 0h 51m | 3h 37m |
Number of Pages/Datasets | 10,000 | 10,000 |
Pages/Datasets per XML file | 10,000 | 400 |
XML files processed | 1 | 25 |
Embedded database size | 10.96 MB | |
Peak memory consumption | 1.21 GB | |
Average memory consumption | 0.58 GB |
The following graph illustrates the memory consumption during the entire test up until 15mins after the last XML has been imported.