Listing of all FirstSpirit API Examples

Examples Summary 
Class Description Example how to use StoreElementFilter.
  • getFilteredChildren_Iterator
    Example how to use a StoreElementFilter which filters PageFolders and Pages within the
    of the given
    using an iterator.

    Important: In case of usage in a Beanshell script the usage of an iterator is mandatory  
de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.CheckboxEditorValueExample Example how to get the value of a CheckboxEditorValue and how to store a value into a CheckboxEditorValue.
  • setValueForLanguage
    Gets the first option found in option model and stores it into the CheckboxEditorValue for the given language.
    Note: All the selected Option's has to be defined in the editors option model.
  • getValueForLanguage
    Returns the value of the CheckboxEditorValue for the given language.
  • addValueForLanguage
    Adds the value to the CheckboxEditorValue for the given language.
    The selected Option has to be defined in the editors option model.
  • removeValueForLanguage
    Removes the value out of the CheckboxEditorValue for the given language.
de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.ComboboxEditorValueExample Example how to get the value of a ComboboxEditorValue and how to store a value into a ComboboxEditorValue.
  • setValueForLanguage
    Gets the first option found in option model and stores it into the ComboboxEditorValue for the given language.
    Note: The selected Option has to be defined in the editors option model.
  • getValueForLanguage
    Returns the selected Option of the ComboboxEditorValue for the given language.
de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.ContentAreaListValueExample Example how to get the list of sections and create new section(s) from a ContentAreaListValue and store a section into a ContentAreaListValue.
  • createSection
    Creates a new section in the given ContentAreaListValue editor - using a section template of the given template store.
  • getFirstSection
    Returns the first section of the given ContentAreaListValue editor.
  • getSectionList
    Returns the SectionList (persistence object) of the given ContentAreaListValue editor
de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.ContentListEditorValueExample Example how to get the value of a ContentListEditorValue and how to store a value into ContentListEditorValue.
  • setValueForLanguage
    Stores the value into the ContentListEditorValue for the given language.
  • getValueForLanguage
    Returns the value of the ContentListEditorValue for the given language.
  • addValueForLanguage
    Adds the value to the ContentListEditorValue for the given language.
  • removeValueForLanguage
    Removes the value out of the ContentListEditorValue for the given language.
de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.DatasetEditorValueExample Example how to get the value of a DatasetEditorValue and how to store a value into a DatasetEditorValue.
  • setValueForLanguage
    Stores the value into the DatasetEditorValue for the given language.
  • getValueForLanguage
    Stores the value into the DatasetEditorValue for the given language.
de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.DateEditorValueExample Example how to get the value of a DateEditorValue and how to store a value into a DateEditorValue.
  • setValueForLanguage
    Stores the value into the DateEditorValue for the given language.
  • getValueForLanguage
    Returns the value of the TextualEditorValue for the given language.
de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.DomEditorValueExample Example how to get the value of a DomEditorValue and how to store a value into a DomEditorValue.
  • appendParagraphForLanguage
    A simple example how to append a paragraph containing some text and a link to the DomEditorValue.
  • appendTableForLanguage
    A simple example how to append an inline table of 2 rows to the DomEditorValue.
    Note: CMS_INPUT_DOM configuration has to be configured to allow usage of inline tables (table="yes").
    | cell 0 | cell 1 |
    | cell 2 |
  • clearValueForLanguage
    A simple example how to remove all children of a dom node.
  • getValueForLanguage
    Returns the value of the DomEditorValue for the given language.
de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.DomTableEditorValueExample Example how to get the value of a DomTableEditorValue and how to store a value into a DomTableEditorValue.
  • setValueForLanguage
    A simple example how to append rows and columns to an empty DomTableEditorValue.
    | cell 0 (initial) | cell 1 |
    | cell 2 | cell 3 |
  • getValueForLanguage
    Returns the value of the DomTableEditorValue for the given language.
de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.FileEditorValueExample Example how to store a file (BinaryMedium) into a FileEditorValue.
  • setValueForLanguage
    Stores given binary object as language specific value (specified by the given language) for the given editor.
  • getValueForLanguage
    Gets the language specific value (BinaryMedium) for the given language and file editor.
de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.FsListEditorValueExample Example how to get the list of sections and create a new section from a FsListEditorValue and store a section into a FsListEditorValue.
  • createSectionTemplateFormData
    Creates a new section in the given
    editor in INLINE mode - using a section template of the given template store.
  • createLinkTemplateFormData
    Creates a new section in the given
    editor in INLINE mode - using a link template of the given template store.
  • createEntityFormData
    Creates a new
    in the given
    editor in DATABASE mode.
  • setEntity
    Creates a new
    in the given
    fsListFormField in DATABASE mode.
  • getFirstSection
    Returns the first section of the given FsListEditorValue editor.
  • getDataList
    Returns the SectionList (persistence object) of the given FsListEditorValue editor
de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.LinkEditorValueExample Example how to create and store a link into a LinkEditorValue.
  • setValueForLanguage
    Given a LinkEditorValue and a Language create a Link instance and store this in the editor.
    For language independent link editors (which should be rare) the provided language could be null.
  • getValueForLanguage
    Returns the value of this LinkEditorValue for the given language.
de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.LinkListEditorValueExample Example how to get the value of a LinkListEditorValue and how to store a value into a LinkListEditorValue.
  • setValueForLanguage
    Stores the value into the LinkListEditorValue for the given language.
  • getValueForLanguage
    Returns the value of the LinkListEditorValue for the given language.
  • addValueForLanguage
    Adds the value to the LinkListEditorValue for the given language.
  • removeValueForLanguage
    Removes the value out of the LinkListEditorValue for the given language.
de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.ListEditorValueExample Example how to get the value of a ListEditorValue and how to store a value into a ListEditorValue.
  • setValueForLanguage
    Gets the first option found in option model and stores it into the ListEditorValue for the given language.
    Note: All the selected Option's has to be defined in the editors option model.
  • getValueForLanguage
    Returns the value of the ListEditorValue for the given language.
  • addValueForLanguage
    Adds the value to the ListEditorValue for the given language.
    The selected Option has to be defined in the editors option model.
  • removeValueForLanguage
    Removes the value out of the ListEditorValue for the given language.
de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.PictureEditorValueExample Example how to store a picture (GraphicalMedium) into a PictureEditorValue
  • setValueForLanguage
    Stores given media as language specific value (specified by the given language) for the given editor
  • getValueForLanguage
    Gets the language specific value (GraphicalMedium) for the given language and picture editor
de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.NumberEditorValueExample Example how to get the value of a NumberEditorValue and how to store a value into a NumberEditorValue.
  • setValueForLanguage
    Stores the value into the NumberEditorValue for the given language.
  • getValueForLanguage
    Returns the value of the NumberEditorValue for the given language.
de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.ObjectChooserEditorValueExample Example how to get the value of a ObjectChooserEditorValue and how to store a value into a ObjectChooserEditorValue.
  • setValueForLanguage
    Stores the value into the ObjectChooserEditorValue for the given language.
  • getValueForLanguage
    Returns the value of the ObjectChooserEditorValue for the given language.
de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.PageRefEditorValueExample Example how to store and get the ElementReference from the PageRefEditorValue
  • setValueForLanguage
    Stores given ElementReference as language specific value (specified by the given language) for the given PageRefEditor
  • getValueForLanguage
    Gets the language specific Referenceable for the given language and pageref editor
  • getReferenceForLanguage
    Gets the language specific IDProvider for the given language and pageref editor
  • setSectionNameForValue
    Stores the section name to the given referenceContainer and loads the section.
  • setSectionForValue
    Sets the section to the given referenceContainer and loads the section.
de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.RadiobuttonEditorValueExample Example how to get the value of a RadiobuttonEditorValue and how to store a value into a RadiobuttonEditorValue.
  • setValueForLanguage
    Gets the first option found in option model and stores it into the RadiobuttonEditorValue for the given language.
    Note: The selected Option has to be defined in the editors option model.
  • getValueForLanguage
    Returns the selected Option of the RadiobuttonEditorValue for the given language.
de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.ReferenceEditorValueExample Example how to get and store references from/to the ReferenceEditorValue
  • setValueForLanguage
    Stores the given IDProvider in the reference editor for the specified language
  • getValueForLanguage
    Gets the language specific TargetReference from the given editor.
  • getReferenceForLanguage
    Gets the language specific IDProvider from the given editor.
  • setSectionForValue
    Sets the given section name in the target reference and loads the section.
de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.SiteStoreVariableValueExample Example how to get the value of a SiteStoreVariableValue and how to store a value into a SiteStoreVariableValue.
  • setValueForLanguage
    Stores the value into the SiteStoreVariableValue for the given language.
  • getValueForLanguage
    Returns the value of the SiteStoreVariableValue for the given language.
de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.TabListEditorValueExample Example how to get the value of a TabListEditorValue and how to store a value into TabListEditorValue.
  • setValueForLanguage
    Stores the value into the TabListEditorValue for the given language.
  • getValueForLanguage
    Returns the value of the TabListEditorValue for the given language.
  • addValueForLanguage
    Adds the value to the TabListEditorValue for the given language.
  • removeValueForLanguage
    Removes the value out of the TabListEditorValue for the given language.
de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.TextualEditorValueExample Example how to get the value of a TextualEditorValue and how to store a value into a TextualEditorValue.
  • setValueForLanguage
    Stores the value into the TextualEditorValue for the given language.
  • getValueForLanguage
    Returns the value of the TextualEditorValue for the given language.
de.espirit.firstspirit.access.editor.ToggleEditorValueExample Example how to get the value of a ToggleEditValue and how to store a value into a ToggleEditorValue.
  • setValueForLanguage
    Stores the value into the ToggleEditorValue for the given language.
  • getValueForLanguage
    Returns the value of the ToggleEditorValue for the given language. Examples how to modify variables of SiteStoreFolder.
  • addVariable
    Example how to add a variable.
  • addVariable_FormData
    Example how to add a variable.
  • setVariableValue
    Example how to change a variables value.
  • setVariableValue_FormData
    Example how to change a variable value.
  • removeVariable
    Example how to remove a variable.
  • removeVariable_FormData
    Example how to remove a variable.