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Start page / Templates (basics) / Composition of templates / Section templates

Structure of a section template

Section templates are used to add content to the basic framework of a page defined by the page templates. All input components which are to contain dynamic page content (text, tables, images, datasets, etc.) are defined within a section template. Any number of sections can be added in each section area of a page. There are also usually several different section templates available for the different types of potential content found on a page.

As is the case with page templates, the definition and settings options for section templates can be found on the tabs available in the SiteArchitect editing area.
Most section template tabs are identical to the page template tabs of the same name and can likewise be edited.

  • Properties: All of the settings required for the section template can be made here.
  • Form: The input components for the section are defined here.
  • Rules : Rules can be defined to influence elements or properties.
  • Snippet: How the page is displayed in overview lists can be defined here.
  • Template set: The appearance of the content in the presentation channel is defined here.

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