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Start page / Templates (basics) / Composition of templates / Link templates / Form tab

Form tab

Input components are defined on the "Form" tab in order to accommodate the individual entries for the definition of a link.

Line numbering can be shown or hidden using the icon in the top right-hand corner of the workspace for templates.

Edit default values: This icon is used to open the dialog for editing default values.

Search in templates


The following icons are used to run searches in templates:

Find (Ctrl+F): Opens a window in which the user can search for text.

Replace (Ctrl+R): Opens a window in which the user can search for and replace text.

Next occurrence (F3): Jumps to the next search result.

Previous occurrence (Shift+F3): Jumps to the last search result.

Undo (Ctrl+Z): Undoes the last change.

Redo (Ctrl+Y): Restores changes that have been undone.

Links must contain at least two elements (“mandatory fields”):

  • link text (or an image) that is displayed to the user on the web page
    (link texts should be informative and describe the content of the target while trying not to interrupt the flow of text.)
  • the link target that is opened when the user clicks on the link text (or image)

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