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Start page / Templates (basics) / Composition of templates / Inline tables / Style templates / Examples


Example: Text input component for entering a background color

Defining the component in the form area:

  <CMS_INPUT_TEXT name="bgcolor" useLanguages="no">
      <LANGINFO lang="*" label="Background color:"/>

name="bgcolor": The input component uses the "bgcolor" key value to define a background color. This name may not be changed, as it is a fixed key value.

Inputting a color value via the input component:


Example: Input component for entering a font color

Defining the component in the form area:

  <CMS_INPUT_COMBOBOX name="color" useLanguages="no">
      <ENTRY value="">
          <LANGINFO lang="*" label="default"/>
      <ENTRY value="#ee00ff">
         <LANGINFO lang="*" label="superior"/>
      <ENTRY value="#00ddee">
          <LANGINFO lang="*" label="lightGrey"/>
      <LANGINFO lang="*" label="Font Color"/>

Selecting a color value via the input component:


Example: Input component for entering the type of text alignment

Defining the component in the form area:

  <CMS_INPUT_RADIOBUTTON name="align" useLanguages="no">
      <ENTRY value="">
          <LANGINFO lang="*" label="Left"/>
      <ENTRY value="right">
          <LANGINFO lang="*" label="Right"/>
      <ENTRY value="center">
          <LANGINFO lang="*" label="Center"/>
      <ENTRY value="block">
          <LANGINFO lang="*" label="Block"/>
      <LANGINFO lang="*" label="Align:"/>

Selecting a type of text alignment via the input component:


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