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Convenience methods

BeanShell offers a clear, manageable number of convenience methods (useful auxiliary functions) which can provide support during scripting and debugging.

The print(Object) method generates a string output of any object required. Exemplary script opened from the BeanShell console:

bsh % e = context.getElement();
bsh % print(e);
<SECTION editor="833847" id="835469" lastchange="1168967507480" name="Text/Bild" notdisplayed="" position="2" revision="1739" sectiontemplate="10">
<LANG language="DE"/>

A return values of methods which are called in the BeanShell console are automatically output in the console by default.
Invocating show() ends automatic output. Example:

bsh % show();
bsh % e = context.getElement();
<<SECTION editor="833847" id="835469" lastchange="1168967507480" name="Text/Bild" notdisplayed="" position="2" revision="1739" sectiontemplate="10">
<LANG language="DE"/>

You can reactivate the output with another call of show().

Sometimes it is useful to obtain an overview of the methods available for an object. A list of the methods can be displayed via the class name of an object using getMethods(). Example:

bsh % print(e.getClass().getMethods());
java.lang.reflect.Method []: {
public void,,
public java.util.Set throws,
public final,
public void,
public final void java.lang.Object.wait() java.lang.InterruptedException,
public final native void java.lang.Object.wait(long) throws java.lang.InterruptedException,
public final native void java.lang.Object.notify(),
public final native void java.lang.Object.notifyAll(),

The javap(Object) method displays an overview of all an object's methods and fields.

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