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FS_LISTAvailable from FirstSpirit Version 4.2

The input component FS_LIST enables lists to be created on the basis of FirstSpirit data of different origin and type.

The type parameter in the DATASOURCE tag is used to define which data FS_LIST will access:


The following data types are available:


Creation and management of



Data set lists


(<TEMPLATES source="sectiontemplates"/>)

Section lists


(<TEMPLATES source="linktemplates"/>)

Link lists



List of the sections on a page



Lists with data from external modules / components


Depending on the application case, diverse functions and types of display can be configured for FS_LIST. The tags and parameters that can be used by FS_LIST are listed and documented separately by data type on this page's sub-pages. They can also be accessed using the links in the table above.

Important The syntax of FS_LIST was revised with Version 4.2R4. Therefore, uses of FS_LIST created with a FirstSpirit version lower than 4.2R4 must be adjusted in line with the syntax given below.
Important Important note about the nesting of FS_LIST input components
FS_LIST input components can be used in a FS_LIST input component (“nesting”, see for example this page too). If too many FS-LIST input components are nested this can result in problems concerning the usability for editors and the maintainability in development as well as in loss of performance. Experience has shown that nestings with more than 3 levels should be avoided as far as possible!

Especially it is advised not to use language dependent input components in a language dependent FS_LIST input component with type INLINE / SECTIONTEMPLATES(see also parameter useLanguages). Particularly in combination with rules, this can lead to configurations which make storing impossible!


An example of the input component FS_LIST in Version 4.2R4 and higher:

<FS_LIST name="IDENTIFIER" rows="5">
<DATASOURCE type="database" useLanguages="no">
<ACTION name="ADD"/>
<ACTION name="UP"/>
<ACTION name="DOWN"/>
<ACTION name="GOTO"/>
<ACTION name="EDIT"/>
<COLUMN show="no">#identifier</COLUMN>
<ADD component="toolbar" constraint="top"/>
<ADD component="overview" constraint="center"/>
<ADD component="stackedview" constraint="bottom"/>
<LANGINFO lang="*" label="Selection of data sets"/>

See also the example project.

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