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The Template Inspector

Template Inspector

The Template Inspector can be called in the integrated preview by right-clicking in the HTML preview with the mouse.

The Template Inspector displays the following information in a pop-up window:

  • Templates structure (in the example: “Homepage” page template and “Text / Image (homepage teaser”) section template
  • HTML tag structure (in the example: <HTML>, <BODY>, <DIV>, <IMG>)
  • Number of the line and column in which the code is located on the HTML tab in the workspace

The pop-up must be closed manually by clicking the X symbol. It can be moved to a different position with the mouse pointer if required.

If the mouse pointer stops above an entry in the template, a border will appear around the corresponding area in the preview (“highlighting”), if the template/s is/are configured appropriately (see page about Content Highlighting).

Template Inspector HTML Tab

Click on an entry in the Template Inspector to jump to the corresponding code location on the HTML tab of the corresponding template in the workspace.

The debugger functionality can be started from here to investigate the code in more detail.

Deactivating the Template Inspector

The source text of a presentation channel can contain XML control characters ("). If the “Template Inspection” (SiteArchitect, integrated preview, “Template Inspection” context menu entry) is being used, control information is added to the tags. Depending on the (web-programming) language used, these characters may have to be quoted.

Available from FirstSpirit Version 5.1R3 However, as not all languages are able to or should be expanded, the “Template Inspection” functionality can be deactivated from FirstSpirit version 5.1R3 on a case-by-case basis as follows:

  • for a presentation channel in the project using the “Template Inspection” option in ServerManager / Project properties / Template sets,
  • temporarily in the output (in the template itself) by calling

$CMS_SET(#global.htmlMode, false)$

The Template Inspector is deactivated from this point. It can be reactivated by calling

$CMS_SET(#global.htmlMode, true)$

For more information, also see FirstSpirit Access API,

  • Interface GenerationContext (Package de.espirit.firstspirit.access):
    methods isHtmlMode and setHtmlMode
  • Interface TemplateSet (Package de.espirit.firstspirit.access.project):
    methods isTemplateInspectionEnabled and setTemplateInspectionEnabled

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