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JavaScript API

ContentCreator provides a JavaScript API which allows basic control of the client's user interface. For example, it provides functionality to trigger navigation in the preview to a specific page reference or to display a specific report and set its filter parameters.

This API is accessible via the JavaScript object top.WE_API and may be used in scripts provided in the preview's HTML content as well as in JavaScript-providing client plug-ins such as InlineEdit buttons and report items.

The API object provides the following functionality sets:

  • Common
    provides basic functionality such as obtaining the current preview element, creating a dialog, showing a simple message box and executing Java code.
  • Dialog
    enables configuration, display and control of a ContentCreator dialog with HTML content.
  • Preview
    provides functionality to query and control aspects of the ContentCreator preview, such as reloading the entire preview or parts thereof and obtaining parameters set in Multi Perspective Preview.
  • Report
    allows display of a report and configuration of its filter parameters with desired settings.

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