Startseite / Plugin-Entwicklung / Beispiele / Modul: Redaktionelles Suchen und Ersetzen / Modulstruktur / Projektkonfiguration
Package: Project Configuration
The Project Configuration package is concerned with the tasks of making Editorial Search and Replace functionality available to specific FirstSpirit projects and to allow certain project-specific configuration of the module.

Project Application
Developer API documentation: ProjectApp
The Editorial Search and Replace project application is a minimal class implementation of the ProjectApp interface. Within the context of this module, it is used solely to indicate which projects should be able to access the module's functionality and performs no actions in its implementations of the interface's installed, uninstalling, and updated methods.
By installing this project application component in a FirstSpirit project, the module's functionality will be made available. Project-specific configuration of search and replace-enabled templates is accessible through this project application entry in project settings in FirstSpirit ServerManager.
Project Application Configuration
Developer API documentation: Configuration<E extends ServerEnvironment>
The Project Application Configuration class is used to present a dialog in which a project-specific set of templates may be enabled for search and replacement processes.
Project Application Storage
Does not implement FirstSpirit API.
This class handles loading and storing of project-specific configuration data for persistence. The Project Application Configuration component uses this class to persist data stored on which templates should be enabled for search and replacement processes.