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Development Environment

The FirstSpirit Module development and build process requires a Java environment including a Java Development Kit (JDK), Apache Ant and--optionally, but highly recommended--an integrated development environment (IDE).

For information about supported JDK versions, please see the requirements for FirstSpirit servers in the FirstSpirit Technical Data Sheet, chapter 3.3.1.

Example Modules

e-Spirit provides several module source code packages for download. These packages contain sample implementations of plug-in types described in this chapter as well as in the FirstSpirit Manual for Developers (Components) (currently available in German only).

These module source code packages may be downloaded on the page Example Modules.


In order to make use of the FirstSpirit Access and Developer APIs for plug-in development, the following JAR file must be available in the class path used while compiling Java classes:

  • fs-access.jar
    located in the FirstSpirit installation directory, in the subpath data/fslib.

Additionally, example code makes use of annotations such as @NotNull and @Nullable, which is available as a JAR file distributed with JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA, v10.0 or higher:

  • annotations.jar
    located in the subpath lib of IntelliJ IDEA distributions.

© 2005 - 2015 e-Spirit AG | All rights reserved. | Last change: 2013-12-09