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Documentation for administrators

The FirstSpirit Manual for Administrators explains all aspects for the administration and configuration of a FirstSpirit project. These include the following topics:

  • Control of the FirstSpirit server under different operating systems
  • Configuration of the FirstSpirit server
  • Configuration of the FirstSpirit web applications
  • FirstSpirit Startpage
  • Application for FirstSpirit ServerManager
  • Application for FirstSpirit Server Monitoring
  • FirstSpirit JMX Console
  • Secure deployment using rsync and ssh
  • Deployment via a FirstSpirit servlet
  • Configuration of user rights/permissions

The first steps, from installation on different operating systems through to the first start of FirstSpirit applications are described in the FirstSpirit Installation Guide. These include the following topics:

  • System requirements
  • Installation under Windows
  • Installation under GNU/Linux, Solaris or AIX
  • Starting FirstSpirit


Brief description

FirstSpirit Installation Guide

The installation guide describes in detail the installation of FirstSpirit under different operating systems and explains the first steps for starting the FirstSpirit editing environment.



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FirstSpirit Manual for Administrators

Comprehensive documentation on configuration and administration of the FirstSpirit editing environment. Among other things, working with the application for server and project configuration is described here. In addition, the "Server Monitoring" and "JMX Console" applications are explained.



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View documentScripts:
The archive file contains a script for secure deployment of FirstSpirit projects via rsync / ssh ("ssh/rsync-Deployment-Script"). For further information please refer to FirstSpirit Manual for Administrators.

FirstSpirit Release Notes V5.1

The FirstSpirit Release Notes show you the new functions realised in version 5.1. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with FirstSpirit and has background technical knowledge.



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FirstSpirit Technical Data Sheet V5

The Technical Data Sheet contains detailed information about the system requirements for FirstSpirit concerning hardware, operational system, java environment etc.:

  • SiteArchitect and ContentCreator system requirements
  • Server system requirements
  • Database system requirements

Here, you have access to the Technical Data Sheet for all FirstSpirit version 5:



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