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FirstSpirit WebControllingAvailable from FirstSpirit Version 4.2R4

The module FirstSpirit WebControlling enhances the functionality of the FirstSpirit SiteArchitect so that the pages can be analysed by means of the WebControlling tool “E-Tracker”. The related documentation describes how to install and to configure this WebControlling module. It describes as well, which possibilities are provided by E-Tracker for analysis and how to use it in FirstSpirit.

The enhancement described in this document provides the following functions to an editor in the FirstSpirit SiteArchitect:

  • how many visitors have browsed a single page
  • click frequency on specific links
  • different options for visualising click frequencies
  • checking the visitors' click behavior via click paths
  • displaying all functions and statistics of the whole E-Tracker Web Analyse Suite

At least one “Web Analytics Unlimited” E-Tracker account is required for being able to use E-Tracker via FirstSpirit. This can be created by means of a corresponding form on the E-Tracker homepage. Additional costs will incur for the use of “Web Analytics Unlimited”.

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This documentation is relevant for the following user groups:

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  • Chapter 2: describes which components are required for the usage of the module and how to install and to configure it


  • Chapter 3: Some elements must be added to a project to become able to use the E-Tracker functionality in an FirstSpirit project (e. g. scripts). This chapter describes the required elements.


  • Chapter 4: E-Tracker can be used in the Integrated Preview of the FirstSpirit SiteArchitect. This chapter describes how to proceed to display for example visitors, clickmap, clickpath and heatmap of a page.


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