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FirstSpirit VideoManagementAvailable from FirstSpirit Version 4.2R4

The module FirstSpirit VideoManagement describes the integration of the video streaming solution of MovingImage24 in a FirstSpirit project. This module enables the editor to add a video to a page in a form of a section by drag-and-drop in the FirstSpirit SiteArchitect. For this purpose, the MovingIMAGE24 VideoManager is integrated by means of the FirstSpirit AppCenter. This document explains how to install and configure this module. Its usage in the SiteArchitect is described as well.

This module enables the editor in the FirstSpirit SiteArchitect to

  • add a video into a content page
  • edit a video which already exists in a page
  • exchange a video which already exists
  • access statistics about an existing video
  • synchronise the metadata of added videos

A “MovingIMAGE24” account is required for the usage of the module VideoManagement in FirstSpirit. This account can be obtained directly from MovingImage24.

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  • Chapter 2: describes which components are required for the usage of the module and how to install and to configure it


  • Chapter 3: Some elements must be added to FirstSpirit projects to become able to use the VideoManagement functionality in FirstSpirit. This chapter describes the required elements.
  • Chapter 5: The metadata of a video are transferred into the FirstSpirit project when it is used for the first time and stored at a media object. If the video is modified by the VideoManager the metadata will not be transferred automatically, but a process for synchronisation must be started. This chapter describes how the developer or the editor should proceed in this case.
  • Chapter 6: contains the appendix with the required code examples, which have been explained before


  • Chapter 4: The functions of the VideoManagement are integrated via the FirstSpirit AppCenter. This chapter describes how to add, edit and replace videos in a FirstSpirit project and how to display different statistics of the videos.
  • Chapter 5: The metadata of a video are transferred into the FirstSpirit project when it is used for the first time and stored at a media object. If the video is modified by the VideoManager the metadata will not be transferred automatically, but a process for synchronisation must be started. This chapter describes how the developer or the editor should proceed in this case.


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