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FirstSpirit EnterpriseBackup

This document describes the function, configuration and realisation of data backups by means of the module “FirstSpirit EnterpriseBackup”. This module requires a license.

With its project export/import function, FirstSpirit has a reliable, well tried and tested process with which projects can be backed up and restored, completely, consistently and during while the system is in operation. A complete data backup of the whole project at short intervals (e.g. daily) is often no longer possible due to the data volume and the backup time available, especially in extensive FirstSpirit projects.

The FirstSpirit “EnterpriseBackup” module therefore enables more differentiated and more efficient data backup strategies. These are especially tailored to the requirements of extensive projects. In order to keep the storage space required as small as possible, the “EnterpriseBackup” no longer provides for complete backup of all data with each data backup run, but instead a complete backup of the whole project is only created once. From this point, only the changes to the project are then backed up. If necessary, a complete backup can then be created from the initial backup file and the files with the respective changes. In addition, the configuration of the FirstSpirit server can also be backed up.

The EnterpriseBackup module provides the following methods (“backup types”) for this:

  • Snapshot backup: Complete project export without historic data (the current, released status only)
  • Differential backup: Partial project export which only contains the changes since the last snapshot
  • Incremental backup: Partial project export which contains the changes to the last differential or incremental backup

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  • Chapter 2: explains the most important Terms and Concepts for the creation of backups and the re-loading of data with the help of the EnterpriseBackup module. For improved understanding the chapter contains a schematic diagram of the data backup procedure. In addition, the module's data backup process is compared to other data backup methods available in FirstSpirit.

  • Chapter 3: This chapter describes the Configuration Settings necessary for the EnterpriseBackup module on the server.

  • Chapter 4: This chapter explains the Data Backup options available for projects and the complete server with the EnterpriseBackup module, either using the data backup wizard or using a data backup schedule.

  • Chapter 5: This chapter explains the procedure for Restoring Project and Server Data.

  • Chapter 6: This chapter provides information on specific data backup Scenarios.


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