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SAP Business Package for FirstSpirit

The SAP Business Package for FirstSpirit documentation describes the licence-dependent FirstSpirit module for the integration of FirstSpirit navigation structures and content (taking into account the role concept) in the SAP Enterprise Portal (SAP EP). With the module "SAP Business Package for FirstSpirit" FirstSpirit offers efficient, personalised and general, multi-application provision of content for the SAP Enterprise Portal.

Integration in the SAP Enterprise Portal supports the following aspects:

  • Provision of editorial content (incl. editing option)
  • Provision of (main) navigation
  • Role-dependent (sub-area) navigation
  • Personalised access to content
  • Search
  • Single Sign-On (SSO)
  • Integration of other SAP portal applications

The content is published (deployed) using the customary generation and deployment functions of FirstSpirit. The generated content (editorial content, navigation, permissions, etc.) are imported into the portal as xml files. The files are then activated in the SAP Enterprise Portal by special portal scripts (through a webservice) and are then available to the (authorised) users in the portal.

Provided a valid licence exists for the module, a project component can be installed via the FirstSpirit Server and Project configuration. This component is used to configure the portal integration and to create the corresponding page and section templates and the necessary scripts for the portal functions. The templates are used as an illustration and must be adjusted in the specific project use.

View document SAP Business Package for FirstSpirit

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  • Chapter 2: describes how to install the module SAP Business Package for FirstSpirit on the FirstSpirit Server and how to install afterwards the project component via the FirstSpirit Server and project configuration.
  • Chapter 3: For configuring a portal project settings in the portal component need to be made (via the server and project configuration) as well as in the FirstSpirit project. All required steps are explained vividly by means of screenshots and examples.
  • Chapter 4: describes how to uninstall the project component via the FirstSpirit Server and project configuration. For complete deletion of all elements and configuration settings the uninstall process should be effected in the reverse order of the installation.


  • Chapter 3: For configuring a portal project settings in the portal component need to be made (via the server and project configuration) as well as in the FirstSpirit project. All required steps are explained vividly by means of screenshots and examples.
  • Chapter 4: describes how to uninstall the project component via the FirstSpirit Server and project configuration. For complete deletion of all elements and configuration settings the uninstall process should be effected in the reverse order of the installation.


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