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Additional documentation

At this point documentation about license dependent FirstSpirit functions are collected, which are not included in the standard delivery of FirstSpirit.

The following module documentation are available so far:


Brief description

FirstSpirit AppCenter

Documentation about the FirstSpirit AppCenter. This term is used to describe the most seamless integration possible of third-party software, even if it based on completely different technology, in the editorial interfaces of the FirstSpirit SiteArchitect and the FirstSpirit ContentCreator. This documentation describes the concepts and interfaces which are required for implementing individual applications for the AppCenter and to integrate them into FirstSpirit.



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FirstSpirit BasicSearch

The contents of a website can grow relatively fast. It is necessary to use search engines so that the user can quickly obtain the required information. One disadvantage of many available search engines is their poor extension capability. For example, indexing unknown document formats, unrestricted ability to define attributes (so-called meta information) or the linking of an external data source is frequently required. Many search engines can only fulfil these requirements incompletely or inadequately. With the "FirstSpirit BasicSearch" module it is possible to optionally link internal or external search engines to FirstSpirit. The "FirstSpirit BasicSearch" module can also be used to extend existing search engines to include additional functions.



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FirstSpirit CorporateContent

The function FirstSpirit CorporateContent requires a license and allows you to bundle objects from the FirstSpirit SiteArchitect (for example pages including all references) into so-called features and import them by different target projects. Advantage of this function: Objects can be maintained at one central point (in the master project). Afterwards, they can be imported into the target projects automatically or manually per subscription. In this way working with company-wide uniform data is simplified considerably.



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FirstSpirit CorporateMedia

The aim of the concept of "CorporateMedia" is to create all media in a separate media project and to manage them centrally in this special project. Via the CorporateMedia access all involved FirstSpirit projects can use this media stock (pictures and files).



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FirstSpirit DynamicDatabaseAccess

This documentation deals with the FirstSpirit module "DynamicDatabaseAccess" for accessing different database technologies. This module requires a license. With the aid of FirstSpirit Integration data from a database can be accessed and edited by a web application.



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FirstSpirit DynamicPersonalization

The "FirstSpirit DynamicPersonalization" module can be used to personalize the display of FirstSpirit content. To this end, the module provides different options for logging in, authentication and reading out user-specific information (group membership and other user-specific attributes, e.g. eMail, phone number, etc.), which can be combined with each other in any way required. The user information (e.g. login name and group membership) can originate from the FirstSpirit environment (FirstSpirit SSO) or from an external system (including NTML, LDAP, etc.).



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FirstSpirit EnterpriseBackup

With its project export/import function, FirstSpirit has a reliable, well tried and tested process with which projects can be backed up and restored, completely, consistently and during while the system is in operation. A complete data backup of the whole project at short intervals (e.g. daily) is often no longer possible due to the data volume and the backup time available, especially in extensive FirstSpirit projects.
The FirstSpirit "EnterpriseBackup" module therefore enables more differentiated and more efficient data backup strategies. These are especially tailored to the requirements of extensive projects.



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FirstSpirit Exalead Integration

This document describes the different ways for integrating the Content Management System FirstSpirit and the Enterprise search engine technology EXALEAD ONE:ENTERPRISE (brief: "Exalead").
In general, both products can be used independently. But, in combination both modern technologies can be connected with each other so that the user of the website, who wants to find specific information within FirstSpirit contents in a simple way, has a high usage value.



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FirstSpirit Exalead CloudView Integration

This document describes the different possibilities for integrating the Content Management System FirstSpirit and the Enterprise search engine technology EXALEAD CLOUDVIEW.
In general, both products can be used independently. But, in combination both modern technologies can be connected with each other so that the user of the website, who wants to find specific information within FirstSpirit contents in a simple way, has a high usage value.
This documentation refers to version 2.0 of the modules FirstSpirit Exalead Live and FirstSpirit Exalead Content-Update!



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FirstSpirit FormEdit

The FirstSpirit module "FormEdit" consists of an editorial component for creating web forms in the FirstSpirit SiteArchitect or ContentCreator and of a web component in form of a servlet, which receives the data entered by a user and then processes them.



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FirstSpirit HighAvailability

This documentation describes how FirstSpirit supports high availability environments, which systems are supported and how FirstSpirit is to be configured to be able to use the high availability support. This module requires a license.



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FirstSpirit OfficeConnect

The "FirstSpirit OfficeConnect" module enables text passages from Word documents or complete Word documents to be imported into FirstSpirit SiteArchitect and worked on further there. This module requires a license. Not only pure text, but also formatting, paragraph breaks/carriage return, pictures, links and tables can be imported.
OfficeConnect can be used in the DOM Editor (CMS_INPUT_DOM) and the DOM table (CMS_INPUT_DOMTABLE) input components.



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FirstSpirit Real-time Targeting



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SAP Business Package for FirstSpirit

This documentation describes the FirstSpirit module for integrating navigational structures and content from FirstSpirit into the SAP Enterprise Portal (SAP EP) (bearing in mind the role concept). With the module SAP Business Package for FirstSpirit, FirstSpirit provides content for the SAP Enterprise Portal efficiently, personalised and from all applications. This module requires a license.



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FirstSpirit Security

During the generation information is saved in a local database, the FirstSpirit Access Control Database. This database provides information about FirstSpirit objects, for example about the provision of access rights, which have been saved for an object. For checking the access rights in the live system the module "FirstSpirit Security" is associated closely with the personalisation of contents. The module "FirstSpirit Security" provides not only information from the Access Control Database but also a servlet for deployment of FirstSpirit contents ("CRC Transfer Servlet"). Its task is to synchronise generated project files of the FirstSpirit server with those on the live system.



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FirstSpirit VideoManagement

The module FirstSpirit VideoManagement describes the integration of the video streaming solution of MovingImage24 in a FirstSpirit project. This module enables the editor to add a video to a page in a form of a section by drag-and-drop in the FirstSpirit SiteArchitect. For this purpose, the MovingIMAGE24 VideoManager is integrated by means of the FirstSpirit AppCenter. This document explains how to install and configure this module. Its usage in the SiteArchitect is described as well.
This module enables the editor in the FirstSpirit SiteArchitect to:

  • add a video into a content page
  • edit a video which already exists in a page
  • exchange a video which already exists
  • access statistics about an existing video
  • synchronise the metadata of added videos



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FirstSpirit WebControlling

The module FirstSpirit WebControlling enhances the functionality of the FirstSpirit SiteArchitect so that the pages can be analysed by means of the WebControlling tool "E-Tracker". The related documentation describes how to install and to configure this WebControlling module. It describes as well, which possibilities are provided by E-Tracker for analysis and how to use it in FirstSpirit.
The enhancement described in this document provides the following functions to an editor in the FirstSpirit SiteArchitect:

  • how many visitors have browsed a single page
  • click frequency on specific links
  • different options for visualising click frequencies
  • checking the visitors' click behavior via click paths
  • displaying all functions and statistics of the whole E-Tracker Web Analyse Suite



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The UX-Bridge module is a response to the trend of dynamic websites. Wherever pre-generated content is not possible, the CMS content has to be accessed dynamically. Dynamic, in this case, means that the content can change for every website user and at any point in time. UX-Bridge provides an infrastructure for the requirements of a dynamic content delivery platform. Consequently, the module expands the hybrid architecture approach by adding a standard component for dynamic content delivery.



View document Whitepaper (5.0)

View document Whitepaper (5.0)

View document Technical datasheet (5.0)

View document Technical datasheet (5.0)

View document Installation (5.0)

View document Installation (5.0)

View document Documentation for developers (5.0)

View document Documentation for developers (5.0)


© 2005 - 2015 e-Spirit AG | All rights reserved. | Last change: 2015-02-05