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Resolving conflicts

The “External Synchronization” function makes it possible to synchronize individual FirstSpirit objects from various projects in an external directory. This means that an external folder can contain files from multiple FirstSpirit projects and can in turn import them to other FirstSpirit projects. The synchronized objects/files can be changed both in the individual projects as well as in the external folder. During synchronization, conflicts may occur if, for instance, an object in a synchronization interval has been changed locally in the project as well as externally in the directory. In case of conflict, default actions (see page Included objects) cannot be specified by the system. This type of conflict must be resolved by the user (see section Choosing the action manually) in order to prevent unintentional overwriting of changes.

Where are there conflicts?

Conflict (icon)

The conflict state is indicated

by this icon in front of the object. A tooltip for the object shows additional information about the cause of the conflict (see page Included objects).


To display all objects that have conflicts, the filter “Show conflicts” can be selected within the Detailed view for the External Synchronization. Only objects with the conflict state will now appear in the list.

Resolving conflicts

Conflicts can be resolved

Depending on the case, either “Export” or “Import” can be selected. Manually resolving the conflict will remove the “conflict” state during the next synchronization process. The local or external changes to the object will then be overwritten as the editor desires.

Important Implicitly added, surplus child elements in the target project may be moved into a system folder or deleted automatically during import. See page Synchronize objects, paragraph “Lost & Found”.

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