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Icon for configuring external synchronization

FirstSpirit project content that is to be exported or synchronized can be selected under “External synchronization” in the vertical tool bar in the “Multisite management” area of SiteArchitect.

Available from FirstSpirit Version 5.1R2 Specific permissions are required for being able to execute the “External synchronization” functionality from FirstSpirit version 5.1R2 on. If the user does not have sufficient permissions this icon will not be displayed.

The tool bar in this area contains entries for configuring external synchronization:

Icon for selecting a folder

Select folder for external synchronization: this icon can be used to select an external folder in which to export the FirstSpirit objects. This could be a folder on the user's local workstation, for instance.
If a folder is already selected, the icon is disabled. Alternatively, it is also possible to select the desired folder using the “Select folder for external synchronization” link.
After selecting a folder for external synchronization, the basic folder path will be displayed under “FileSystem folder”. “Included objects” and “missing references” are only present if the folder was already previously the target of synchronization (including if it was the target folder for other FirstSpirit projects).
After selecting the external folder, FirstSpirit project content can be added for synchronization (see page Adding objects).

Refresh folder (icon)

Reload FileSystem folder: clicking on this icon loads changes to objects that have been included or exported up to this point.
If the setting Auto sync is enabled in the configuration, clicking on the icon synchronizes the changed objects immediately.
When changes are made in the project, the revision number and date are adapted, if applicable. You can easily identify which modifications have been made using the flyout menu (icon ).
If the default action has been modified manually (see page Included objects), the default can be restored by means of this icon.

Icon for closing sync folder

Close FileSystem folder: clicking on this icon closes the currently selected folder and with it all “Included objects” combined up to this point. A new folder can then be selected for external synchronization of FirstSpirit objects.

Flyout (icon)

The double arrow opens a flyout menu with a detailed view of “External synchronization”, showing additional information on the status of the objects to be imported or exported. A detailed description of the icons and functions used in the overview is provided on page Detailed view for external synchronization.

Revision: Displays the revision ID. All “included objects” are exported in a revision with a number that is less than or equal to the revision number specified here. When selecting a new, external folder, the most recent FirstSpirit repository revision at this point in time is used automatically. This revision remains until it is manually updated (via the icon ) or an object is included that was not yet present in the displayed revision. In both cases, the most recent FirstSpirit repository revision is updated.

Background: FirstSpirit works with a revision-based repository. A revision can be presented as a type of “Snapshot” across the entire repository at a certain point in time. In contrast to a version, which is usually only related to a single object, during a revision, the total state of all objects in the repository are listed. Revisions are listed with sequential numbering (revision ID), where there is always exactly one current revision for the whole repository. If a repository is edited, all changes carried out are linked to a new revision number. The revision number is the last current revision number of the entire repository, increased by one. All unchanged objects retain their old revision numbers. If an object is changed, it is not overwritten in the repository, but rather inserted as a new object (with a higher revision number).

Date: The date and time at which the displayed revision was added is specified here.

Included objects | datasets: This specifies the number of objects or datasets to be included in the synchronization (see page Adding objects).

Missing references: This specifies the number of missing references for all objects that are to be exported during the next synchronization process. The number of absolutely essential objects is shown here in red; the number of optional objects is in yellow (see page Adding objects). Synchronization can in principle take place even if not all references have been found.

FileSystem folder: The preselected external folder is displayed here.

Auto sync: If this checkbox is activated, synchronization will start automatically if a change is made to an included object. If the checkbox is unchecked, synchronization has to be started manually each time (see page Synchronizing objects).

© 2005 - 2015 e-Spirit AG | All rights reserved. | Last change: 2014-07-09