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The permissions: Viewable, Read and Change

Differentiation between "Viewable", "Read" and "Change" permissions is made again here on the basis of graphic examples.

All permissions

Display: Structure of the Page Store from the view of a user with all permissions for the "Homepage" node.

No permissions

Display: Structure of the Page Store from the view of a user without permissions for the "Homepage" node.

Explanation: The "Homepage" menu item is completely hidden from the structure (marked red in the Figure).

Referenced objects, to which the user has "no permissions" are displayed with **No Access** (in selection dialogs, input components, etc.).


Display: Structure of the Page Store from the view of a user with "Viewable" permission for the "Homepage" node.

Explanation: The "Homepage" menu item and all sections below it can be seen in the structure, however, no content is displayed.

Referenced objects, for which the user has "Viewable" permission, are only displayed with information not worthy of protection (ID, UID, etc.). Referenced media (e.g. in picture selection input components) are therefore displayed without preview.


Display:Structure of the Page Store from the view of a user with "Read" permission for the "Homepage" node.

Explanation: The "Homepage" page and all sections below it are visible in the structure and the content is displayed in the right-hand part of the window. However, the user can neither edit the sections no add new elements. The relevant icons are inactive (marked red in the figure, here using the example for the "Two-Columned Text" section).

Referenced objects, for which the user has "Read" permission are displayed with all information. Referenced media (e.g. in picture selection input components) are displayed with preview.


Display:Structure of the Page Store from the view of a user with "Change" permission for the "Homepage" node.

Explanation: The "Homepage" page and all sections are visible in the structure and the content is displayed in the right-hand part of the window. The user can edit the "Homepage" page, but cannot create any pages. The relevant icon is inactive (marked red in the figure).

However, the user can edit sections and create new ones. The relevant icon is active (marked green in the figure).

If in a section, a page, etc., to which the edit has "Change" permission, objects are used to which the editor has not permissions, these objects are displayed with **No Access**, no picture preview, etc.

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