FirstSpirit™ FormEdit

e-Spirit AG

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

The FirstSpirit™ FormEdit module consists of an editorial component for the creation of web forms using the FirstSpirit SiteArchitect or ContentCreator and a web component in the form of a servlet, which accepts and processes data entered by the user.

1.1. Overview of the functions

The following forms of processing of form data are supported:

Save the data in a file in CSV format
This type of processing saves all values sent by the form within a freely definable file in CSV format.
Save the data in a JDBC-compatible database
By using this type of processing, it is possible to save the values within a database. The configuration setting can be used to define individual mapping for the form fields.
Dispatch the data as an e-mail
With this type of processing, any form data can be sent by e-mail. The e-mail layout can be individually designed by means of an e-mail template. Among other things, the e-mails can be sent with file attachments, and cc and bcc recipients are also possible.
Output of the data in the log file of the servlet engine
This function is used to output all values of the form within the log files of the servlet engine, in which the FormServlet is initialised.
Calling a URL with parameter passing
This function enables a URL with the defined parameters to be called, without the user seeing this page in the browser. (e.g. tracking)

Further, it is possible to evaluate the forms via your own implementations. The processing methods named above can also be combined with each other.

1.2. Layout and function

The following graphic shows the module’s layout and how it functions using the example of the live server. The web and application servers used in FirstSpirit are used for use of the module within the preview or staging.

Layout and function
Figure 1. Layout and function

1.3. Technical Requirements

The FormEdit module has the following technical requirements:

  • FormEdit module in the current version
  • FirstSpirit (Isolated- oder Legacy-Mode) 5.2.191107 or higher
  • a current Servlet Container

2. Installation and Configuration

FirstSpirit™ FormEdit is installed in three steps:

2.1. Module installation

Use the fsm file supplied to add the module on the FirstSpirit server. To install the module, open the ServerManager and select Server propertiesModules.

Module management in the server properties
Figure 2. Module management in the server properties

The main panel contains a list of modules installed on the FirstSpirit server. After clicking Install, select the fsm file supplied with the module and click Open to confirm your selection. After successful installation, the module is added to the list and must be given All permissions (see figure Module management in the server properties).

The project application FS FormEdit ProjectConfiguration, the web application FS FormEdit, and the library FS FormEdit Scripts are parts of the FirstSpirit™ FormEdit module.

The Project Application provides media, page, section, script and table templates which can be used to design forms. The component is Visible for the Project area. It is therefore a project locale component. This can be added following installation of the project component within the required projects.

The web application provides servlets, which can be used and called within the project. The component is Viewable for the ProjectWeb areas. It is therefore a web locale component. This can be added to the different web areas (preview, staging, live, ContentCreator) within the required projects following installation.

The library provides the classes that are used from within the provided scripts.

After any module installation or update, the FirstSpirit server needs to be restarted.

2.2. Installation and configuration of the project component

A project-specific configuration is required in order to use the FirstSpirit™ FormEdit module. It is set up using the project component, which must be added to the project being used. To add the project component, open the ServerManager and select Project propertiesProject components.

Project components in the project properties
Figure 3. Project components in the project properties

A list of all existing project components is displayed in the main panel. Click Add, then select the FS FormEdit ProjectConfiguration and click OK to confirm your selection. The project component is then added to the list in the main panel and will need to be configured (see figure Project components in the project properties). To configure the project component, select the entry in the list and click Configure to open the associated dialog (see figure Configuration dialog for the project component).

Configuration dialog for the project component
Figure 4. Configuration dialog for the project component

Select a database layer from the Schema combobox and click Import templates. The selection list contains all database layers approved for the project. If you have not used any layers to date, or if you want to use your own database for the module, select New layer. If this option is selected, a new layer is generated, which points to FirstSpirit’s internal Derby database.

For further information on database layers, please refer to the FirstSpirit Manual for Administrators.

After you have clicked the Import templates button and close the dialog, it is not possible to make any more changes to the configuration. Renewed importing is only possible by means of Delete and renewed Add of the project component.

2.3. Installation and configuration of the web component

A web component needs to be added in addition to the project component. To add a web component, open the ServerManager and select Project propertiesWeb components.

Web components in the project properties
Figure 5. Web components in the project properties

Inside the main panel, four tabs are visible. Each tab contains a list of the existing web components. For each tab, click Add, select FS FormEdit, and click OK to confirm. Then install and activate the web component on an active web server. The server can be selected using the selection box. The web component is then added to the list in the main panel for all four tab pages.

After adding them to a web area, it is possible to configure the components; either with the web.xml generated by the component or a generic GUI (see figure Configuring the web application).

Configuring the web application
Figure 6. Configuring the web application

Different parameters are available for configuring:

OK Redirect
Use this field to specify the path to the file displayed following successful sending of the form data. This value is used if a special page was not given in the form (see Chapter form-start). The forwarding behaviour can be influenced using the redirect: or forward: prefix. forward:ok.jsp, for example, would generate forwarding with all parameters to the page ok.jsp. If neither forward: nor redirect: is given, redirect always takes place.
Error Redirect
Use this field to specify the path to the file displayed following incorrect sending of the form data. This value is used if a special page was not given in the form (see Chapter form-start). The forwarding behaviour can be influenced using the redirect: or forward: prefix. forward:error.jsp, for example, would generate forwarding with all parameters to the page error.jsp. If neither forward: nor redirect: is given, redirect always takes place.
Form Encoding
Use this field to specify the encoding to be used for sending the form data. This is also a retrieval (fall-back)) value, if no encoding was given in the configuration of a processing component. Examples are UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1.

Always ensure that the encoding chosen matches the encoding used in the generated pages (MetaTags or encoding of the language in the ServerManager).

Path Prefix
Use this field to specify a prefix, which is placed in front of the path to the mail template, in order that it can be used. This prefix describes the partial path between the WebApp root and the folder created by FirstSpirit. For example, for the staging environment, this would be the schedule ID.
Loggers.ini Path

The path to the configuration file fs-formlogger.ini must be given in this field. If this field is empty, or if the file cannot be found, an empty configuration file is used.

Staging example


The schedule ID – here 2708 – is placed in front of the path for the staging environment.

Live example


The path to be given here can also be given as an absolute value. This example searches for the file relative to the WebAppRoot.

Captcha Width
Use this field to determine the display width of the Captcha graphic in pixels. If this field is empty, an internal retrieval value of the servlet is used: 100.
Captcha Height
Use this field to determine the display height of the Captcha graphic in pixels. If this field is empty, an internal retrieval value of the servlet is used: 100.
Captcha Chars
Use this field to specify the number of characters displayed in the Captcha graphic. If this field is empty, an internal retrieval value of the servlet is used: 6.

2.4. Live-server side logging

For easier error analysis the FirstSpirit™ FormEdit module can log some information to an appropriate logfile. This logging uses the log4j2 framework. Therefore it is necessary to configure log4j2 for your webapplication accordingly, in case this wasn’t done before. Configuring log4j2 happens by putting the log4j2 configuration file into the WEB-INFclasses directory. In case this directory doesn’t exist, it can be added manually.

An exemplary log4j2 configuration file could look in the following way:

status = error
dest = err
name = PropertiesConfig

property.filename = target/rolling/rollingtest.log

filter.threshold.type = ThresholdFilter
filter.threshold.level = debug

appender.console.type = Console = STDOUT
appender.console.layout.type = PatternLayout
appender.console.layout.pattern = %m%n
appender.console.filter.threshold.type = ThresholdFilter
appender.console.filter.threshold.level = error

appender.rolling.type = RollingFile = RollingFile
appender.rolling.fileName = ${filename}
appender.rolling.filePattern = target/rolling2/test1-%d{MM-dd-yy-HH-mm-ss}-%i.log.gz
appender.rolling.layout.type = PatternLayout
appender.rolling.layout.pattern = %d %p %C{1.} [%t] %m%n
appender.rolling.policies.type = Policies
appender.rolling.policies.time.type = TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy
appender.rolling.policies.time.interval = 2
appender.rolling.policies.time.modulate = true
appender.rolling.policies.size.type = SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy
appender.rolling.strategy.type = DefaultRolloverStrategy
appender.rolling.strategy.max = 5 = de.espirit.firstspirit.opt.formedit
logger.rolling.level = debug
logger.rolling.additivity = false
logger.rolling.appenderRef.rolling.ref = RollingFile

rootLogger.level = info
rootLogger.appenderRef.stdout.ref = STDOUT

Please consider that depending on the configuration the logfile may also contain information from other modules.

3. Configuration of the FirstSpirit Project

For this section, it is assumed that the reader is familiar with handling FirstSpirit Data sources (content).

The various process options of the form data are configured in the project by so-called loggers. Each logger is assigned a specific processing type (e.g. MailLogger) and appropriate parameters. The various loggers are maintained as data sets (content store data) in a data source (content). The logger configuration file fs-formlogger.ini is generated on the basis of the logger configuration. The content schema and table templates necessary for this are generated on installation of the project component. To create loggers, it is now only necessary to create content for the table template form_edit.formLogger. For information on the logger types and their configuration options, please refer to Chapter Logger configuration of the processing.

Please ensure you set mapping for the missing languages within the table template form_edit.formLogger. (On delivery, only German is mapped.) Additional columns with _<language abbreviation> should be created for the language-dependent formLogger_description column.

3.1. Creating the logger

Open the project in SiteArchitect. There are now two options for creating or editing the logger:

  • directly via the content (content: FormLogger) in the Content Store

    New data record (Content)
    Figure 7. New data record (Content)

  • from the form-start section

    New data record (form start)
    Figure 8. New data record (form start)

Clicking the New Entry button in the content view or in the input component within the formstart section to open the following form:

Creating the logger
Figure 9. Creating the logger

All logger-specific data is entered in this form:

Logger Name
Here, the logger can be given a name. The name is used as a reference name within the configuration file. The name may not contain any spaces or special characters/symbols and must be unique throughout the whole project.
Logger Typ

The logger type is required for creating the logger configuration file fs-formlogger.ini. The following logger types are available:

Use this field to enter a brief description in this field, so that you can more easily assign the logger at a later date. Input is optional, and has no effect on the function of the logger.
Logger parameters

The logger-specific configuration parameters can be specified here. You can choose between three templates for an entry:

  • logger-text-value

    Apart from one exception – choice of the mail template – this template is used for all parameters.
  • formLoggerPassword

    This template can be used for parameters whose value shouldn’t be displayed within FirstSpirit.
  • logger-template-ref

    This template is chosen if a mail template is to be selected from the structure for the MailLogger or MailUploadLogger. The parameters which can be used here are explained in the following subchapter.

    Add parameter
    Figure 10. Add parameter

Default logger
These radio buttons can be used to mark a logger as the default logger. If one or several default loggers exist, they are also used for forms which cannot be assigned to a logger, e.g. due to a configuration error.
These radio buttons can be used to switch a logger to active or inactive. Only active loggers can be selected as a processing option in a form.

3.2. Logger configuration of the processing

Each logger is assigned a specific processing type (e.g. MailLogger) and appropriate parameters. The various loggers are maintained as data sets (content store data) in a data source (content). The logger configuration file fs-formlogger.ini is generated on the basis of the logger configuration.

Configuring log file processing

Output of the form data in the log file of the servlet engine.
Parameters (parameter name, expected value)
  • class: de.espirit.firstspirit.opt.formedit.ConsoleLogger
  • prefix: Text placed in front of the log output
ConsoleLogger parameters
Figure 11. ConsoleLogger parameters

  • class: This parameter is generated automatically and does not have to be created.

Configuring CSV processing

Output of the form data in a CSV file
Parameters (parameter name, expected value)
  • class: de.espirit.firstspirit.opt.formedit.CSVLogger
  • logFile: (absolute) path to the CSV file
  • encoding: Encoding for sending the e-mail, e.g. UTF-8
CSVLogger parameters
Figure 12. CSVLogger parameters

  • class: This parameter is generated automatically and does not have to be created.
  • logFile: The path can be given as an absolute or relative to the web application. (The configured file has to be created manually).
  • encoding: If this parameter is not given, the default value from the configuration of the web application is used.

Configuring database processing

Output of the form data in a database (interfaced via JDBC)

Unlike the "simple" CSV and log file loggers, the JdbcLogger has several more parameters. The following main aspects can be configured:
JDBC parameters (parameter name, expected value)
  • class: de.espirit.firstspirit.opt.formedit.JdbcLogger
  • driver: JDBC driver, e.g.
  • user: database user, e.g. cms
  • password: password of the database user
  • url: JDBC-URL to the database, e.g. jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/logging
  • table: Name of the table in the database in which the logging is to take place.
JdbcLogger parameters
Figure 13. JdbcLogger parameters

  • class: This parameter is generated automatically and does not have to be created.
Mapping rules

It is possible to define into which table column each form parameter is to be added. If the parameters are not explicitly assigned, the software tries to use the parameter name as the column name. If this also fails, an entry is only made in the unmappedColumn (see below, Item Additional parameters).

The following schema applies here:

  • formparameter: unique identifier of the form element
  • columnName: The name of the column in which the value is to be written.
JdbcLogger mapping parameters
Figure 14. JdbcLogger mapping parameters

The value of the form element address1 is to be written in the database, in the street field.

additional parameters (parameter name, expected value)

The following special rules can be specified in addition to the mapping rules:

  • csvColumn: The name of the table column in which the complete form data record is entered in CSV form.
  • unmappedColumn: The name of the table column in which all form data in CSV form not processed by mapping rules is entered.
  • timestampColumn: The name of the table column in which the date and time at which the request is received are saved in timestamp format.

Configuring e-mail processing


output of the form data in the form of an (configurable by means of a file) e-mail (optionally with file attachment too)

The e-mail logger is used to send the form data by e-mail. A separate e-mail is sent for each form. The format and/or text of the e-mail can be configured in a (separate) file. Due to the form-specific logger configuration, if necessary, an e-mail configuration file can be assigned to each form.

  • class: de.espirit.firstspirit.opt.formedit.MailLogger or de.espirit.firstspirit.opt.formedit.MailUploadLogger
  • smtpHost: name of the e-mail server
  • sender: e-mail address of the sender
  • mailTemplatePath: (absolute) path to the e-mail configuration file
  • encoding: encoding for sending the e-mail
  • smtpAuth: (optional) true, if the smtp server requires authentication (smtpAuth)
  • smtpAuthUser: name of the user for the authentication
  • smtpAuthPassword: password for the authentication
MailLogger parameters
Figure 15. MailLogger parameters

  • class: This parameter is generated automatically and does not have to be created.
  • smtpHost: The hostname of the mail server.
  • sender: The address that should be used as sender.
  • mailTemplatePath: logger-template-ref should be selected here as the template. This can be used to select the template from the structure.
  • encoding: If this parameter is not given, the default value from the configuration of the web application is used.
  • smtpAuthUser/smtpAuthPassword: If the smtpAuth parameter is set with the value true, these parameters are mandatory parameters and must be given. logger-text-password can be selected here as the template, to display the data concealed.

Configuring URL processing


URL call with parameter passed to another page

The URL logger is used to call another page (URL) with the option of passing on defined parameters of the form. However, the user does not call this page in their browner. A classic application case is, for example, tracking.

  • class: de.espirit.firstspirit.opt.formedit.URLLogger
  • url.sendWithOutParams: pass parameters (true/false)
  • url.urlPrefix: destination URL (e.g.
  • url.param.<bezeichner>: Unique identifier of the form component

    Similar to the JdbcLogger, it is necessary to map the form’s parameters to new parameters. In the case of URLLogger, only the parameters specified in the configuration are attached to the UrlPrefix. If no parameters are configured, each parameter of the form will be attached to the UrlPrefix.

URLLogger parameters
Figure 16. URLLogger parameters

  • class: This parameter is generated automatically and does not have to be created.
  • url.param.<param>: Defines the parameter name, in the way it is to be attached to the URL.

3.3. E-mail configuration file


The e-mail to be sent is configured using the page template mailtemplate. The interface is similar to that of an e-mail program.

Mail template (header)
Figure 17. Mail template (header)

Recipient (To), Cc, Bcc
One or several recipients' e-mail addresses can be given here. If using several addresses, they must be separated with a semi-colon (;).
An e-mail address for a reply can be entered here. This is used if the user clicks Reply in their e-mail program.
An e-mail address can be defined here, which is displayed as the sender. Alternatively, it is also possible to use %parameter% (here: %e-mail%) to access a form element which contains a valid e-mail address. If a value is given here, the sender value given in the logger configuration is overwritten.
The subject of the e-mail to be sent can be given here.
Upload Attachments

Here you can configure the file attachments. This can be done on the one hand, using %parameter% or using %all%.

  • %parameter%

    If this parameter is given, only the file passed via the form element with the identifier parameter is attached to the e-mail. Several files must be separated by commas (,). Example: %datasheet%,%photo%
  • %all%

    With this input, all files sent with the form are attached to the e-mail.

After the information required for the e-mail header has been give, the e-mail text is entered. This text can contain wildcards in the form %name%, which are used to access values from the form.

The following parameters are available:

  • %date%

    date on which the form is sent
  • %time%

    time at which the form is sent
  • %csv%

    list of all form parameters as CVS
  • %unmapped%

    list of all form unedited parameters as CSV (see below)

    In addition to these parameters, each form parameter can be used. This is done using the % notation and the parameter name: %parameter%

    Form data which has been sent, but was not output in the mail template via % notation, can be output using the parameter %unmapped%.

    Please note that umlauts may be used within the domain of an e-mail address but that they are forbidden within its username.

Mail template (message part)
Figure 18. Mail template (message part)

Server Attachments

By using this FS_LIST within a page of type mailtemplate the editor can select files that shall be attached to the email automatically. E.g. if you would like to send a registration confirmation including your terms of use, you would select the appropriate file in this FS_LIST.

To define the folder that contains the files you would like to send, you have to modify the link template of the FS_LIST elements. The folder can be specified within the FOLDER Tag of the FS_REFERENCE element. E.g. <FOLDER name=”root” …​/> will allow to select files from the whole mediastore.

In addition the following variables have to be defined under Global settingsProject settings as text fields (CMS_INPUT_TEXT). These variables are used within the html channel of the link template.

  • ps_webappContentPath: path to the web application
  • ps_webappContentFolder: The target folder for the deployment within ps_webappContentPath.

3.4. Autocomplete request

This page template is a functional example template. It is also possible to check data against a database or similar.

This file is not generally valid and must be adjusted for each specific project, if the source is not an XML file. For further information please refer to Chapter Auto Completion Concept.


This page template is used to process an input source such as XML. If the user makes an entry in an autocomplete form field, the source given on this page is browsed through and the results are shown to the user.

Autocomplete request
Figure 19. Autocomplete request

Comparator attribute
The attribute within the XML source file which is to be compared with the user’s input is given here.
Return text
Here you can define which attribute the XML source file is to show the user as the return value.
XML source
Here you select the XML source file which is to provide the results.

3.5. fs-formlogger.ini configuration file

This configuration file contains all the information of your forms or assignment to the processing configurations and these configurations themselves. The content of this file is generically generated by FirstSpirit during generation.

In order for this file to be correctly generated, a page based on the logger-ini-file template must be created in the Page Store, and the object ID of the form start template, or the templates generated by you which fulfil the function of the form start template, must be entered on this page. The ID is displayed with the keyboard shortcut ALT + P in the selected section template

fs-formlogger.ini page
Figure 20. fs-formlogger.ini page

When referencing in the structure, note that the file is filed in the place given when configuring the web component. Further, the file name of the page must be correctly set in the Site Store. The name fs-formlogger is used within this document:

File name of the configuration file
Figure 21. File name of the configuration file

Furthermore the configurations of the FormEdit-Forms that were created in the project are store in the fs-formlogger.ini, so that they can be read from the webserver. This leads to the fact that the webapplication needs to be restarted, as soon as there are changes in the configuration of a form (form_start section) and the deployment was successful. The servlet will then be able to read the changed configuration.

4. Creating Forms

A specific section template order must be adhered to when creating the form to ensure the form works. The section template form-start always marks the start and the section template form-end always marks the end of a form. Any number of sections of the type form-block and form-divider can occur between these two sections.

Form templates
Figure 22. Form templates

A form-block element can contain any number of form elements.

The section templates of the form editor provide all the form elements available in HTML and also provide sufficient options for configuring the components. It is necessary to adjust to specific design requirements first before using the components. On the one hand, this can be done by direct adjustment of the HTML code in the section templates and/or by defining cascading style sheets in the integrated stylesheet file. Each form component can be individually assigned a stylesheet class.

4.1. form-start

The section template form-start introduces a new form. The basic configurations, which solely concern this form, can be made here.

Form heading (text)
display of the form’s heading
Form name (text)

Unique identifier for the form (name attribute of the form element)

This identifier may not contain any spaces or special characters/symbols, as the form name is used as part of the servlet call.

Processing (ContentList)
Selection and display of the loggers for this form
Alternative form evaluation page (page reference)
If a logger is not wanted, a form evaluation page can be given here as an optional alternative.
Captcha validation (checkbox)
Activation of server-side captcha validation

If this checkbox is enabled, the form must contain the captcha form element.
Client-side content check (checkbox)
Activation of client-side content checking
Confirmation page (optional, page reference)
This form-specific confirmation page is displayed if the e-mail has been successfully sent. If a page is selected here, the global configuration in the web.xml is overwritten.
Error page (optional, page reference)
This form-specific confirmation page is displayed if sending the e-mail was unsuccessful. If a page is selected here, the global configuration in the web.xml is overwritten.
Captcha invalid (optional, page reference)
This form-specific page is displayed if the user has not made any or has made an incorrect input. If a page is not selected here, the error page is displayed instead (see above).
Send method (RadioButton)
Use this component to specify the transmission mode for the form values.

Default selection: POST
File upload (checkbox)
If this option is set, files can be passed to the web server via the form.
form-start section
Figure 23. form-start section

4.2. form-block

Any number of form elements can be created within a form-block element. The order of the components is irrelevant for the form’s ability to function. Each component can be individually configured. For example, stylesheet classes can be used and the display width and height of the form defined. For precise information and configuration examples, please refer to Chapter Available form elements.

form-block section
Figure 24. form-block section

4.3. form-divider

The form-divider element generates a graphic separation within the form and otherwise has no function.

4.4. form-end

The form-end section template defines the end of the form.

Note for mandatory fields
A note for mandatory fields can be given here; it is displayed below the form fields.
Labelling for the Submit/Reset button
Enter the identifier for the button, with which the form data is sent or all the form’s entries are deleted. If no entries are made, a button is not generated.
Stylesheet class for buttons (optional)
Here you can give the name of a stylesheet class for the design of the buttons. If a class is not given, the buttons are displayed in the standard look-and-feel of the browser or your stylesheet file.
form-end section
Figure 25. form-end section

4.5. Available form elements

The form editor enables the editor to use the complete set of HTML form elements. As already mentioned, before using the components it is advisable to make an adjustment to the HTML source code together with the stylesheet file. In this way, individual design templates can be adhered to and are available on the whole of the web page. However, the HTML tags of the form elements should not be affected by the changes, to ensure correct function of the JavaScript checks.

The form components can only be used in the form-block section template!

To add a new form element, select an already created section of the type form-block and add a new form element to the content area list:

Form elements
Figure 26. Form elements

The following gives an overview of the available standard elements and their configuration options and functions.

The content of the form field can be accessed at a later date via the unique identifier or unique group identifier. For example, if a Mail- / MailUploadLogger is used, this takes place via %uniqueIdentifier%.

4.5.1. Form component text

This component provides the user with a form text field. The component must be assigned a designator which is unique in this form (name attribute), so that the evaluation of the form and check of its content can work properly.

Use this text field to enter the title of the form field.
Unique identifier (name attribute)
Use this text field to enter the unique identifier.
Default selection (value attribute)
Use this text field to enter text with which the form field is filled.
Allow editing (readonly attribute)
This radio button is used to control whether the user may edit the form field or not.
Content check (filled or valid value)
This radio button can be used to create a check which checks for content or valid data.
Number of characters (maxlength attribute)
This text field can be used to define the maximum number of characters that can be entered.
Display width
Use this field to specify the width of the form field in pixels.
Display height
Use this field to specify the height of the form field in pixels.
Stylesheet class (class attribute)
Use this text field to enter the name of a CSS class.
Form component text
Figure 27. Form component text

4.5.2. Form component textarea

The textarea form component provides a multi-line text input field for the user. The component must be assigned a designator which is unique in this form (name attribute), so that the evaluation of the form and check of its content can work properly.

Use this text field to enter the title of the form field.
Unique identifier (name attribute)
Use this text field to enter the unique identifier.
Default selection (value attribute)
Use this text field to enter text with which the form field is filled.
Allow editing (readonly attribute)
This radio button is used to control whether the user may edit the form field or not.
Content check (filled or valid value)
This radio button can be used to create a check which checks for content or valid data.
Display width
Use this field to specify the width of the form field in pixels.
Display height
Use this field to specify the height of the form field in pixels.
Stylesheet class (class attribute)
Use this text field to enter the name of a CSS class.
Form component textarea
Figure 28. Form component textarea

4.5.3. Form component RadioButtons

This form component can be used to generate HTML radio buttons. On adding the radio buttons in the Options area, ensure that a meaningful default is given for each radio button. The radio buttons are shown with their corresponding designation (labelling), one after the other on the right-hand side of the component.

subcomponent RadioButtons

This component can be added within a form-block section. The values which are the same for all radio buttons are set in this section. The actual RadioButtons are added within a ContentAreaList in this section.

Use this text field to enter the title of the form field.
Group identifier (name attribute)
Use this text field to enter the unique identifier.
Content check (filled)
This radio button can be used to create a check which checks whether an entry has been selected.
Mandatory field note
A message which appears if the content check fails must be given for this type of form field.
Stylesheet class (class attribute)
Use this text field to enter the name of a CSS class.
Form component radiobuttons
Figure 29. Form component radiobuttons

subcomponent RadioButton

This component can only be used within the form RadioButtons component. It is used to add the actual radio buttons within the component named above.

Use this text field to enter the labelling of the option.
Value (value attribute)
Use this text field to enter the value for this option.
Preselection (checked attribute)
These radio buttons can be used to make a preselection, whether this form field should be selected or not.
Stylesheet class (class attribute)
Use this text field to enter the name of a CSS class.
Form component radiobutton
Figure 30. Form component radiobutton

4.5.4. Form component Checkboxes

This form component can be used to generate HTML checkboxes. When adding the checkboxes in the Options area it is necessary to ensure that a meaningful value is given for each checkbox. The checkboxes are shown with their corresponding designation (labelling), one after the other on the right-hand side of the component.

subcomponent Checkboxes

This component can be added within a form-block section. The values which are the same for all checkboxes are set in this section. The actual checkboxes are added within a ContentAreaList in this section.

Use this text field to enter the title of the form field.
Group identifier (name attribute)
Use this text field to enter the unique identifier.
Content check (filled)
These radiobuttons can be used to create a check, which checks whether or not at least one checkbox in this group has been selected.
Mandatory field note
A message which appears if the content check fails must be given for this type of form field.
Stylesheet class (class attribute)
Use this text field to enter the name of a CSS class.
Form component checkboxes
Figure 31. Form component checkboxes

subcomponent Checkbox

This component can only be used within the form Checkboxes component. It is used to add the actual checkboxes within the component named above.

Use this text field to enter the labelling of the option.
Value (value attribute)
Use this text field to enter the value for this option.
Preselection (checked attribute)
These radio buttons can be used to make a preselection, whether this checkbox should be selected or not.
Stylesheet class (class attribute)
Use this text field to enter the name of a CSS class.
Form component checkbox
Figure 32. Form component checkbox

4.5.5. Form component Password

This component can be used to provide a password field for the user. Here too, the editor must assign a unique identifier for the component. Characters entered are shown in the component as asterisks (*).

Use this text field to enter the title of the form field.
Unique identifier (name attribute)
Use this text field to enter the unique identifier.
Default selection (value attribute)
Use this text field to enter text with which the form field is filled.
Allow editing (readonly attribute)
This radio button is used to control whether the user may edit the form field or not.
Number of characters (maxlength attribute)
This text field can be used to define the maximum number of characters that can be entered.
Display width
Use this field to specify the width of the form field in pixels.
Display height
Use this field to specify the height of the form field in pixels.
Stylesheet class (class attribute)
Use this text field to enter the name of a CSS class.
Form component password
Figure 33. Form component password

4.5.6. Form component Hidden

This form component can be used to create fields which are not displayed in the browser, but can be evaluated in the servlet or PHP script, i.e. additional non-visible information. Here too, the editor must assign a unique identifier for the component.

Unique identifier (name attribute)
Use this text field to enter the unique identifier.
Default selection (value attribute)
Use this text field to enter text with which the form field is filled.
Form component hidden
Figure 34. Form component hidden

4.5.7. Form component Autocompleter

This form component can be used to offer the user the convenience of having suggestions for completion of their input provided while they are typing. Here too, the editor must assign a unique identifier for the component.

Use this text field to enter the title of the form field.
Unique identifier (name attribute)
Use this text field to enter the unique identifier.
Default selection (value attribute)
Use this text field to enter text with which the form field is filled.
Request file
This component can be used to select a page from the structure which accepts the input and returns the applicable values.
Content check (filled or valid value)
This radio button can be used to create a check which checks for content or valid data.
Number of characters (maxlength attribute)
This text field can be used to define the maximum number of characters that can be entered.
Display width
Use this field to specify the width of the form field in pixels.
Display height
Use this field to specify the height of the form field in pixels.
Stylesheet class (class attribute)
Use this text field to enter the name of a CSS class.
Form component autocompleter
Figure 35. Form component autocompleter

4.5.8. Form component Combobox Standard

The form combobox standard component provides the editor with a convenient way of making a selection list available to the form user. The contents of the list and the number and layout are freely formattable. Here the editor must give a unique group designator.

Use this text field to enter the title of the form field.
Group identifier (name attribute)
Use this text field to enter the unique identifier.
Visible entries (size attribute)
Use this field to enter the number of visible entries as a number.
Multiselect (multiple attribute)
These radio buttons are used to control whether several entries in this form field can be selected or not.
Content check (filled or valid value)
This radio button can be used to create a check which checks for content or valid data.
The contents/selection options of the form field can be entered in this list.
Display width
Use this field to specify the width of the form field in pixels.
Display height
Use this field to specify the height of the form field in pixels.
Stylesheet class (class attribute)
Use this text field to enter the name of a CSS class.
Form component combobox standard
Figure 36. Form component combobox standard

4.5.9. Form component Combobox Query

The form combobox query component provides the editor with a convenient way of making a selection list available to the form user. The contents of the list and the number and layout are freely formattable. This special SelectBox filters and outputs the selection options from the database via a Query. Here the editor must give a unique group designator.

Use this text field to enter the title of the form field.
Group identifier (name attribute)
Use this text field to enter the unique identifier.
Visible entries (size attribute)
Use this field to enter the number of visible entries as a number.
Multiselect (multiple attribute)
These radio buttons are used to control whether several entries in this form field can be selected or not.
Content check (filled or valid value)
This radio button can be used to create a check which checks for content or valid data.
Database query
Use this text field to enter the name (UID) of a database query (Query) in the Template Store.
Use this text field to enter the name of a database column or database field. The values of this column are available to choose from in this form field.
Selected value(s) (selected attribute)
Use this text field to specify one or several values which are preselected in the form field. If you specify several values, separate them with a comma (,).
Display width
Use this field to specify the width of the form field in pixels.
Display height
Use this field to specify the height of the form field in pixels.
Stylesheet class (class attribute)
Use this text field to enter the name of a CSS class.
Form component combobox query
Figure 37. Form component combobox query

4.5.10. Form component Combobox Date

The form combobox date component provides the editor with a convenient way of making a selection list available to the form user. The contents of the list, the number of entries and layout are freely formattable. Three boxes are automatically generated in this special SelectBox, which can be used to conveniently select a date. Here the editor must give a unique group designator.

To convert into a correct date format within the servlet, a toDate_ is placed in front of the unique identifier, in order to make the field identifiable for the servlet. If date was entered as the unique identifier, the field’s identifier is toDate_date and must therefore also be used in this form, e.g. in the mail template.

Use this text field to enter the title of the form field.
Group identifier (name attribute)
Use this text field to enter the unique identifier.
Visible entries (size attribute)
Use this field to enter the number of visible entries as a number.
Content check (filled or valid value)
This radio button can be used to create a check which checks for content or valid data.
Start year
Use this text field to enter a date (year). Date selection is possible from this value up to the value of the End year field.
End year
Use this text field to enter a date (year). Date selection is possible from the value of the Start year field up to this value.
Display width
Use this field to specify the width of the form field in pixels.
Display height
Use this field to specify the height of the form field in pixels.
Stylesheet class (class attribute)
Use this text field to enter the name of a CSS class.
Form component combobox date
Figure 38. Form component combobox date

4.5.11. Form component fileupload

This form component enables the user to send files via the form. In addition, it is possible to limit the file formats. Here too, the editor must assign a unique identifier for the component.

Use this text field to enter the title of the form field.
Unique identifier (name attribute)
Use this text field to enter the unique identifier.
Content check (filled or valid value)
This radio button can be used to create a check which checks for content or valid file types.
Accepted file formats
Use this text field to enter a comma-separated list of file extensions. An evaluation only takes place if valid file type is activated for the content check. Several file extensions must be separated from each other by |.
Display width
Use this field to specify the width of the form field in pixels.
Display height
Use this field to specify the height of the form field in pixels.
Stylesheet class (class attribute)
Use this text field to enter the name of a CSS class.
Form component fileupload
Figure 39. Form component fileupload

4.5.12. Form component Captcha

This form component is used to generate a captcha graphic, a link, which generates a new graphic, and a text field for entering the captcha code, in the form. This component should be used to refuse use of the form by non-human users.

Select the Captcha Validation checkbox in the form-start section so that the input is checked by the servlet.

Use this text field to enter the title of the form field.
Number of characters (maxlength attribute)
This text field can be used to define the maximum number of characters that can be entered.
Display width
Use this field to specify the width of the form field in pixels.
Display height
Use this field to specify the height of the form field in pixels.
Stylesheet class (class attribute)
Use this text field to enter the name of a CSS class.
Form component captcha
Figure 40. Form component captcha

Overlapping of the characters is affected by the height, width and number of characters to be rendered (see Chapter Installation and configuration of the web component). Always ensure that the characters are not too easy to read, as otherwise they can be read by spam robots. With the default configuration of 100 x 100 pixels with 6 characters, a captcha can look like this:

Form captcha graphic component
Figure 41. Form captcha graphic component

4.6. Media Required and their Function

4.6.1. Stylesheet file

Configuration fields for stylesheet classes are provided for virtually every component to enable form components to be quickly and easily adjusted. Each field can therefore be assigned its own individual style by specifying a stylesheet class. An exemplary stylesheet file formedit_css is added to the project when the project component is installed. The class names should be entered accordingly in the configuration fields of the components. We urgently recommend adjusting the stylesheet file to the individual design requirements.

<script type="text/javascript" src="$CMS_REF(media:"formedit_js")$"></script>

In order to be able to use your own stylesheet classes, they must be declared in the HTML header of the (page) templates by means of the <style> tag, or added to an existing or new stylesheet file in the project.

4.6.2. Javascript file

Javascript functions are used within the templates supplied with the module, e.g. to enable individual form blocks to be shown and hidden. These functions are in the medium formedit_js. The medium must be referenced within the HTML header of all (page) templates in which Javascript functions can be used:

<script type="text/javascript" src="$CMS_REF(media:"formedit_js")$"></script>

4.6.3. jQuery

This free Javascript framework provides various functions which are used by the templates supplied with the module. In addition, this library is a requirement for use of the form Autocompleter component and form field validation.

The version supplied is compatible with the plug-ins supplied. If an update is necessary, ensure that it is compatible with the plug-ins.

jQuery can be used in parallel with other frameworks, e.g. MooTools. The framework must be referenced within the HTML header in all templates which use the functions of jQuery or its plug-ins:

<script type="text/javascript" src="$CMS_REF(media:"jquery")$"></script>

Further information and updates:

4.6.4. Form validation

The jQuery validate plug-in provides a convenient option for checking the form fields used for correct content on entering the data. The form components use the basic functions of this plug-in. This plug-in can also be used to check dependencies between form fields and other limitations and constraints. To use this function in the project, the jquery_validate.js file must be referenced within the HTML header of all (page) templates in which form components can be used:

<script type="text/javascript" src="$CMS_REF(media:"jquery_validate")$"></script>

Alternatively, it is possible to add the function to an existing Javascript file.

This plug-in also supplies the (error) messages in 19 languages, which appear – inline – in the event of missing or incorrect input components. These error messages are deposited in the language-dependent medium jquery_validate_messages and if necessary can be changed and extended. In order for these (error) messages to appear, the medium must be referenced within the HTML header of all (page) templates in which form components can be used:

<script type="text/javascript" src="$CMS_REF(media:"jquery_validate_messages")$"></script>

Further information and updates:

4.6.5. Autocompleter

A jQuery plug-in is also used for the Autocompleter component. However, it only provides the function of setting up a request with the entered characters to another page and displaying the response to the user. The jquery_autocomplete file must be referenced within the HTML header of all (page) templates in which the form Autocompleter component can be used:

<script type="text/javascript" src="$CMS_REF(media:"jquery_autocomplete")$"></script>

Further information and updates:

4.7. Auto Completion Concept

In real terms, the form Autocompleter component only provides a completely normal text input component. The logic which provides this component with the autocompletion function consists of two parts:

  • The first part is the jQuery autocomplete plug-in. This plug-in enables the characters entered to be sent to another dynamic server or a servlet in the background. Further, it accepts the reply (response) and shows it to the user.
  • The second part must be implemented for each specific case: To do this, a dynamic page must be generated (e.g. jsp or php), which accepts a request from the autocompleter and then uses it to browse through a source (e.g. XML, database or CSV). In another step, the data found must then be returned to the autocompleter by means of a response.

This concept is implemented in the templates supplied with the module on the basis of an example XML file. The logic is implemented on the jsp-side and also requires the Java jdom library.

The Java jdom library is not part of the FirstSpirit™ FormEdit module, but must be separately copied onto the applicationServer or FirstSpirit server or installed as a module. Further information:


This example is based on the following XML file (xmlDataBase page template):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <job jobnr="Project Manager (jb-1742-a01)" jobdescription="Project Manager"/>
   <job jobnr="Apprentice (jb-1743-a02)" jobdescription="Apprentice"/>
   <job jobnr="Template Developer (jb-1744-a03)" jobdescription="Template Developer"/>
   <job jobnr="Product Development Manager (jb-1745-a04)" jobdescription="Product Development Manager"/>

On using the form Autocompleter field, after entering, e.g. 3 characters, a request is sent to the page referenced in the form component. This page is based on the autocompleterequest page template. Logic is implemented in this page template, which accepts this request and the transferred character chain.

incomingValue = (String) request.getParameter("q");

Within the referenced XML source, the comparator attribute is searched for occurrence of the requested character string.

for (Element child : children) {
   if (incomingValue == null ||
   child.getAttribute(compareAttr).getValue().toLowerCase().contains(incomingValue.toLowerCase())) {
      buffer.append(child.getAttribute(resultAttr).getValue() + "\n");

If an applicable entry is found, a response is sent to the form input component:

Project Manager
Product Development Manager

The data found is now shown to the form user, e.g. here the value of the jobdescription attribute (return text). If the user now selects an option, it is saved as the value of the form field.

4.8. Case Study: Competition

This example describes all actions to be performed by the editor, which are necessary to create a form with which a user can register for a competition.

The data entered by the user is to be used on the one hand for a personalised participation confirmation and on the other is to be stored in a database containing all participants.

To carry out this example, the FirstSpirit™ FormEdit module must be installed for a FirstSpirit project, as described in Chapter Installation and Configuration. Furthermore, a database and an available e-mail server are required.

4.8.1. Creating the form

Create a new page in the Page Store and choose the form template. Add the form start, form block_and _form end sections, one after the other in a section area of the page:

Create page with form sections
Figure 42. Create page with form sections

Now enter a heading and form name in the form start section. Choose Post as the send method and enable client-side content checking. If you already have a confirmation page and an error page in your structure, you can reference them here.

Now switch to the form block section and create a text field for each of the following: Name, first name, street, house number, post code, town/city and e-mail address. Use the content check Field filled on each. To enable easy filing of the data in the database, it is advisable to choose the column name in the database as the unique identifier. For this example we use name, firstname, street, housenumber, zip, city and email as unique identifiers:

Form elements
Figure 43. Form elements

All the necessary fields in the form end section are already completed, but you can now adjust them to your wishes.

4.8.2. Creating the mail template

Create a new page in the Page Store on the basis of the mailtemplate template. We use the field from the form as the recipient, as the e-mail is to be sent to the form user. I.e., in this example, %e-mail%.

You can also define the term yourself, just like the message text and the sender’s address. You can use %uniqueIdentifier% in the message text to access all form fields:

Mail template
Figure 44. Mail template

Now use Drag&Drop to drag the mail template you have created into the Site Store or reference it via the context menu from the Site Store.

4.8.3. Creating the logger configuration (e-mail)

Now switch back to your form start section and add a new data record in the Processing component.

Add data record
Figure 45. Add data record

In the following dialog, enter a name for the e-mail processing and choose MailLogger as the LoggerType. You can add an optional description.

Now add a new data record to the Logger Parameter component by clicking Add Section and select the logger-text-value entry and click OK. In the following dialog, enter smtpHost as the parameter name and the address of your outgoing mail server as the parameter value, e.g. Repeat this for the encoding parameter, using the name of the encoding you require (here: UTF-8).

Now create a new section; however, this time using the logger-template-ref template. Now enter mailTemplatePath as the parameter name and choose the mail template created by you in the Mailtemplate component. Further parameters are explained in Chapter Autocomplete request.

MailLogger parameter
Figure 46. MailLogger parameter

Finally, select Activated status in the component (see Chapter Creating the logger) and click the save symbol in the top left-hand corner. The logger created by you is now automatically listed in the Processing component, in your form start section.

4.8.4. Creating the logger configuration (database)

The second configuration is created in exactly the same way as described in Chapter Creating the logger configuration (e-mail). However, here you select JdbcLogger as the logger type and create all parameters on the basis of the logger-text-value template. Please create the driver parameter first with the name of your database driver, e.g. com.mysql.jdbc.Driver for a MySQL database.

Please ensure that the database driver has already been added to the FirstSpirit server.

Use the url parameter to pass the address to your database, e.g. jdbc:mysql://muster:3306/formlogger and the table parameter to pass the name of your table (here: demo).

Now create the user and password parameters and fill these with the login data for the database, which is usually made available to you by your database administrator.

JdbcLogger parameter
Figure 47. JdbcLogger parameter

Further parameters are explained in paragraph Configuring database processing.

4.8.5. Creating the configuration file fs-formlogger.ini

Please read Chapter fs-formlogger.ini configuration file.

4.8.6. Referencing and deploying

Then reference all the pages you have created in the structure and, if applicable, release them. If you or the project administrator have set up the FirstSpirit™ FormEdit module for staging, following generation, your form should be visible in its generated status (<project_id>/…​) and should be able to be used.

6. Disclaimer

This document is provided for information purposes only. e-Spirit may change the contents hereof without notice. This document is not warranted to be error-free, nor subject to any other warranties or conditions, whether expressed orally or implied in law, including implied warranties and conditions of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. e-Spirit specifically disclaims any liability with respect to this document and no contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document. The technologies, functionality, services, and processes described herein are subject to change without notice.