1. Introduction
FirstSpirit is used to create versatile and project-specific content. Thanks to the FirstSpirit Connect for Spryker Commerce OS module, it is possible to transfer these contents to the e-commerce shop system Spryker Commerce OS and use it there.
In the remainder of the document the abbreviated form "Spryker" is used instead of "Spryker Commerce OS". |
The module combines the functional strengths of both systems, delivering the key advantages and create a successful overall system. This system is made up of components on both the FirstSpirit and Spryker side, which work in parallel and are largely decoupled from one another.
This document is intended for server administrators and therefore only describes the installation and configuration of the module as well as the import of the reference project on the FirstSpirit server. All steps to be performed in the project and the functionalities provided with the integration are described in the FirstSpirit Connect for Spryker Commerce OS documentation.
1.1. Range of functions
FirstSpirit Connect enables editors to do the following:
Creating native shop content with FirstSpirit
Access to product and category information
Display shop elements and editorial content in the FirstSpirit preview simultaneously
Transfer of content into the Spryker Commerce OS
The corresponding functions are made available when the module is installed and configured in ContentCreator.
Familiar FirstSpirit tools are used to maintain the content, meaning that editors who are already familiar with FirstSpirit do not require any additional knowledge. The content is made available to Spryker as part of a deployment so that it can be imported. Spryker then integrates the information into the shop.
Consequently there is no difference for Spryker in the delivering of editorial contents to the live state. Even if the FirstSpirit server is shut down due to maintenance work, for example, this does not affect Spryker.
1.2. Architecture
The connection of FirstSpirit and Spryker is realized by an architecture made up of a range of components.
These components are:
The modules installed on the FirstSpirit server:
FirstSpirit Connect
Omnichannel Manager
Content as a Service
Spryker Instance
The individual components always interact according to the following schema:
In FirstSpirit, the creation and editing of editorial content takes place in ContentCreator. With the help of the Omnichannel Manager, the storefront is embedded in it.
The storefront in turn accesses the Preview CaaS and determines the current FirstSpirit content from it. It also integrates the JavaScript required for Omnichannel Manager, which enables the content in ContentCreator to be edited and highlighted.
The transfer of the editorial content into the Preview CaaS takes place automatically with each save action.
The filling of the Online CaaS with the released content is triggered by a deployment. The Online CaaS makes the content available to the importer, who transfers it to Spryker and persists it there.
Spryker thus represents the main component of this architecture. In addition to providing all shop functionality, it imports the content created or maintained in FirstSpirit from the Online CaaS and integrates it into the shop. There is only a loose link between FirstSpirit and Spryker. They primarily work in parallel with one another.
1.3. Technical requirements
To use the FirstSpirit Connect module, the following technical requirements must be met:
the modules FirstSpirit Connect, Content as a Service and Omnichannel Manager in their current versions
Content as a Service must be at least version 15.4.0
FirstSpirit in version 2022-03 or higher
Java 17
Spryker Commerce OS 202108.0 with the extensions
Category CMS Blocks
andProduct CMS Blocks
php in version 7.4 or higher
When using the supplied reference project FirstSpirit Connect Reference Project, the current version of the BasicWorkflows module is also required.
2. Installation and Configuration
Various components must be installed and configured in order to use the functions of the FirstSpirit Connect module. The following subchapters explain the steps required.
2.1. Installation of the modules
In order to provide the functions of the FirstSpirit Connect module, the modules Content as a Service and Omnichannel Manager are additionally required, which must also be installed on the FirstSpirit server. Furthermore, when using the supplied FirstSpirit Connect Reference Project, the BasicWorkflows must also be installed.
The delivery contains only the FirstSpirit Connect module. The Content as a Service and Omnichannel Manager modules as well as the BasicWorkflows module are available from Technical Support. |
To install the modules, open ServerManager
and select .
The main panel displays a list of all modules installed on the FirstSpirit server. After clicking Install, select the following files one after the other and confirm your selection with Open:
(only required when using the BasicWorkflows)
After successful installation, the folders FirstSpirit Connect for Spryker Commerce OS
, Content as a Service
, FirstSpirit ThirdPartyPreview
, and optionally the folder BasicWorkflows
were added to the list. Each of which must have All rights
The Content as a Service module contains a service that is used to specify a default configuration. The necessary steps are described in the Content as a Service Documentation. |
After each installation or update of a module, the FirstSpirit server must be restarted. |
2.2. Project import
A part of the delivery is the reference project FirstSpirit Connect Reference Project, which has to be installed on the FirstSpirit server. Open the import dialog in ServerManager
via and select the file
from your local file system via the Local button. Then enter a project name and a description and confirm the import with Yes. After the successful installation, the project was added to the list in the main panel.
In addition to the standard groups The usage of external groups requires an LDAP connection. Otherwise they are not usable and the rights set for them do not apply. |
Before actively using the project for editorial work, the Preview Deployment must be executed once. For this, all configuration steps on both the FirstSpirit and the Spryker side must be completed. |
2.3. Adding the web components
The {module name} integration requires various web components to be added to the project used. Therefore open the panel in the
Within the main panel several tabs are visible, each with a list of the existing web components. First add the {module name} for Spryker Commerce OS Web App
to the Preview
and ContentCreator
tabs. In the ContentCreator
tab, also add the FirstSpirit ThirdPartyPreview WebApp
and optionally the BasicWorkflows_ContentCreator_Library
. The latter is only required when using the BasicWorkflows. Select the web components one after the other using the Hinzufügen button and confirm each selection with OK.
Finally, select an Active web server
in both tabs using the selection box of the same name and start the installation by clicking the Installieren button. After successful installation, a dialog opens, in which the activation of the web server is to be confirmed.
For detailed information about adding web components, see the FirstSpirit Documentation for Administrators.
3. Legal notices
FirstSpirit Connect is a product of Crownpeak Technology GmbH, Dortmund, Germany. Only a license agreed upon with Crownpeak Technology GmbH is valid for using the module.
Details regarding any third-party software products in use but not created by Crownpeak Technology GmbH, as well as the third-party licenses and, if applicable, update information can be found in the file THIRD-PARTY.txt
included with the module.
All pictures contained in the delivered reference project FirstSpirit Connect Reference Project are taken from the provider pixabay.
4. Help
The Technical Support of the Crownpeak Technology GmbH provides expert technical support covering any topic related to the FirstSpirit™ product. You can get and find more help concerning relevant topics in our community.
5. Disclaimer
This document is provided for information purposes only. Crownpeak Technology GmbH may change the contents hereof without notice. This document is not warranted to be error-free, nor subject to any other warranties or conditions, whether expressed orally or implied in law, including implied warranties and conditions of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Crownpeak Technology GmbH specifically disclaims any liability with respect to this document and no contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document. The technologies, functionality, services, and processes described herein are subject to change without notice.