Example: CSS Variants
See this example on how to add a custom button to change styles of a section directly via a dropdown on the section:
This needs a script on the FirstSpirit Server, which returns the possible variants and also save changes in the section. In addition to that, nodes need specific data attributes.
Just for inspiration
This is not a copy and paste example. This is more like an inspiration for what the hook can be utilized for.
import { EcomApi, EcomHooks, LogLevel } from 'fcecom-frontend-api-client';
const ecomApi = new EcomApi('https://example.com', LogLevel.INFO);
ecomApi.addHook(EcomHooks.PREVIEW_INITIALIZED, async ({ TPP_BROKER }) => {
const DISABLED_CLASS_NAME = `tpp - disabled - node`;
const __originalPosition = Symbol();
const _variant = Symbol();
).innerHTML = `<style>.tpp-icon-variant::after { -webkit-mask: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><path d="M6.996 12.713V5.584a.87.87 0 01.87-.871h9.13v6M5.996 12.737v3h4.372v3.018a1 1 0 001 1h1a1 1 0 001-1v-3.018h4.628v-3zM9.514 8.923v-4M12.003 7.923v-3M14.491 6.923v-2"/></svg>') center center / cover no-repeat;}</style>`;
const wait = (millis = 0) => new Promise<void>((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(), millis));
const callCssVariantsScript = async (action, $node, status) => {
const { id: dataProviderId, language, componentPath = [] } = status;
const [listEditorName, listEditorIndex] = componentPath;
const node = $node.matches(`[data-variant-editor-name]`) ? $node : $node.querySelector(`[data-variant-editor-name]`);
const { variant: variantEditorValue, variantEditorName } = node.dataset;
const payload = {
dataProviderId: `${dataProviderId}`,
...(listEditorName && listEditorIndex ? { listEditorName, listEditorIndex } : {}),
return await TPP_BROKER.execute(`script:css_variants`, payload);
const saveChanges = async ({ $node, status }) => {
await callCssVariantsScript(`save`, $node, status);
const previewId = $node.closest(`[data-preview-id]:not([data-preview-id^="#"])`).dataset.previewId;
TPP_BROKER.triggerChange(previewId, {});
const disable = (element = document.body, spinner = element !== document.body) => {
if (spinner) {
element[__originalPosition] = element.style.position;
element.style.position = `relative`;
`<div class="fs-section-blur">
<div class="fs-section-spinner-wrapper">
<span class="fs-section-spinner"></span>
} else {
element.classList.toggle(DISABLED_CLASS_NAME, true);
const enable = (element: HTMLElement = document.body) => {
if (__originalPosition in element) {
element.style.position = element[__originalPosition];
delete element[__originalPosition];
const spinner = element.querySelector(`.fs-section-blur`);
spinner && spinner.parentElement.removeChild(spinner);
} else {
css: `tpp-icon-variant`,
label: 'Style Variants',
supportsComponentPath: true,
isVisible: async (scope) =>
(scope.$node.matches(`[data-variant-editor-name]`) || scope.$node.querySelector(`[data-variant-editor-name]`)) && scope.status?.permissions?.change,
getItems: async ({ $node, status, $button }) => {
$node[_variant] = $node.dataset.variant || '';
const variantValues = await callCssVariantsScript(`labels`, $node, status);
if (variantValues.success === false) {
console.warn('Unable to retrieve variant names', { variantValues, $node, status });
return [];
const values = variantValues.map(({ value }) => value);
wait(1).then(() => {
Array.from($button.querySelectorAll(`li`)).forEach((element: HTMLElement, i) => {
element.addEventListener(`mouseenter`, () => ($node.dataset.variant = values[i]));
element.addEventListener(`mouseleave`, () => ($node.dataset.variant = $node[_variant]));
return variantValues.map(({ value, label }) => ({
label: label + (value == $node[_variant] ? ` ✓` : ``),
execute: async (scope, item) => {
const node = scope.$node.matches(`[data-variant-editor-name]`) ? scope.$node : scope.$node.querySelector(`[data-variant-editor-name]`);
if (item && node[_variant] != item.value) {
// @ts-ignore
node.dataset.variant = node[_variant] = item.value;
await saveChanges(scope);
0 // Button index
Last update:
February 26, 2024